Ban Appeal Battlefield 3

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Registered User
Jun 19, 2024
In Game Name SrToxic0_0

Steam ID (If Applicable) SrToxic_0

Which Game? Battlefield 3

Which Server? Battlefield 3 - All maps conquest

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned In my country, Argentina, around 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. the ban would have happened.

Admin that banned you (If you remember) (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for I'm Argentinian, out of nowhere a guy started saying in the chat "keep sucking it Argentinians" when our team is winning
And because of his pj's skin I jokingly tell him the famous phrase "Shh nigga" (also known as the "Nword").

They gave me a permanent BAN, I would have understood a ban for a few days, but permanent is a bit unfair when they say worse things in the chat xd.

Any additional comments you would like to add? It would be great if they gave me a disban (I didn't think there was a word for such an appeal)
In fact, I'm not sure if an administrator banned me or if the server has some kind of protection against "certain words."
We have a filter put in place to automatically ban users that decide to use Racial slurs, like the one you decided to use. Warnings against using such wording are presented on our battlelog, the loading screen, splashed across your screen upon joining and filter through the chat every so often.

As such this ban will not be lifted. We do not lift bans for racial slurs.

Appeal Denied.
No need to report this appeal, there is rule posting when you are loading into the server. It shows up in front of your screen when you spawn in the first time and scrolling not to use a slur and the consequence every 5 minutes approximately if you do.

What more do you want?

You have to read and respect server rules and their consequence. It is not SRQea's fault you did not read how many times it was shown to you. Also you connected 36 times approximately. I am sure you saw the announcement more than once.
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