Ban Appeal Battlefield 4


Registered User
Jun 29, 2024
In Game Name snowsniff

Steam ID (If Applicable) snowsniff_0

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 2021-2023

Admin that banned you (If you remember) server

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for a slur, don't remember the context or reason was said since it was so long ago

Any additional comments you would like to add? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
In Game Name snowsniff

Steam ID (If Applicable) snowsniff_0

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 2021-2023

Admin that banned you (If you remember) server

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for a slur, don't remember the context or reason was said since it was so long ago

Any additional comments you would like to add? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
I'm not seeing a ban for you at first glance. Can you join through Battlelog and share the message here?

Based on the massive change in your location, I'm betting your ping is not allowing you to join/stay connected.
I'm not seeing a ban for you at first glance. Can you join through Battlelog and share the message here?

Based on the massive change in your location, I'm betting your ping is not allowing you to join/stay connected.
got ya, yea im in korea temporairly rn so that very well may be why, im not sure what battlelog is but if it's my ping then im not gonna worry about it, thank you so much for your time :)
Battlelog is the web browser used to connect to bf3/4 servers outside the game. You can login and it will launch your game from it. Once it kicks you it will present the error code in red at the bottom of your screen.