Ban Appeal Battlefield 4


Registered User
Jul 1, 2024
In Game Name SPB_Ghost

Steam ID (If Applicable) SBP_Ghost

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned June 1 11:00pm

Admin that banned you (If you remember) (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for For saying Nigeria

Any additional comments you would like to add? How was I supposed to know Nigeria was a bannable offense, when people in the server were talking about yiffie and doing animals
I can't see anything wrong with anyone elses chat. However you just decided to up and say that word randomly which I do not understand.


Not only does anything in your chat lead up to it but nothing in global chat does. Is it related to you dying. Are you mad? I don't understand.
I can't see anything wrong with anyone elses chat. However you just decided to up and say that word randomly which I do not understand.

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Not only does anything in your chat lead up to it but nothing in global chat does. Is it related to you dying. Are you mad? I don't understand.
I was playing with my friend Ghost2000js and told me to put in chat this was the first time he was playing on the server same as me, so still doesn't make sense how Nigeria is a bannable offense,
I can't see anything wrong with anyone elses chat. However you just decided to up and say that word randomly which I do not understand.

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Not only does anything in your chat lead up to it but nothing in global chat does. Is it related to you dying. Are you mad? I don't understand.
Plus like I said 3 matches before this people were talking about doing animals/yiffing, and I'm not sure but I guess rping?
Plus like I said 3 matches before this people were talking about doing animals/yiffing, and I'm not sure but I guess rping?
People being weird in our servers is not against the rules. What is against the rules is trying to skirt/bait/troll the filter, hence why you got popped with an auto-ban. I suggest you familiarize yourself with our rules as we discuss this internally.

People being weird in our servers is not against the rules. What is against the rules is trying to skirt/bait/troll the filter, hence why you got popped with an auto-ban. I suggest you familiarize yourself with our rules as we discuss this internally.

Okay well I wasn't trying to do that, don't really know that was a rule as I was just trying to play BF4 still don't really know how talking/saying you want to have sex with animals is better to have than the country Nigeria