Banned Cont.


Registered User
Nov 25, 2008
Sorry about making a new thread but I couldn't find an option to reply on my last thread. I have since moved on to the STAR clan and was wondering if I could be unbanned now.

Thanks for posting, an the administrator who banned you will reply shortly, we will discuss the matter and we will determine if you will be un-banned. Also a please at the end of that post could have been cool :/
If you could give me a list of members of the Star clan I'd be happy to unban them, provided Zhownage is not one of them.
As of now it is only BooleyLOD, Pandemic19*, Pedro12*, Njoi in STAR clan

Stoich has left the clan but is choosing not to join another for a while.

As far as I know only Stoich and I (Pedro) have been banned.

I have an update for the members.

Stoich has just joined STAR today.

Njoi was just registered on the forums and acutally belongs to another clan so just disregard him.

booleylod has left DARK and posted it in EA forums I read it. And he left because of what DARK were and continue to do.
My 2 cents has been delivered.
I was talking to Booley the day he left Dark. I started the conversation that day about being banned due to other players. He then decided to start a clan with only clean players. This appeal is only for STAR members.
Thank you Fast,

I was wondering if you also unbanned Stoich as I was appealing for him too.
I checked through all 4 of our servers and he looks to be unbanned as well.