Banned for being a smart aleck?

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Registered User
Jan 21, 2009
Time: Jan 21 09, 10:17 PM (cst -6)
Banned by: Fast
Server: Suez Canal 24/7
Story: Joined Fast's squad and after a while of playing, noticed that he and his flying parter were always in the gunship, so I said "Is that all you're gunna do is sit in the gunship?" and got a responce saying yes and some other stuff (couldn't hear over gunfire) so I left the squad and joined a different one. Fast then followed me and said "Hey, you got something to say to me, say it to my face!" and then left. I then replied, in all chat, with "lol that was funny", which then followed with Fast coming back in my squad and saying "Yeah, I bet you would find that funny, wouldn't ya you little c&@t licker?", which was finished by banning me for reason "bye". My second comment was unnecessary, I understand, but all I did in the first place was join a different squad so I could have a squad leader to spawn on.
i banned you and did with pleasure, you join MY squad, I do whatever the hell i want in it. "Is that all you guys can do is gunship?" I'm flying with my teammate, talking about his real life situation at the same time and I get that comment from you. Your tone of voice pissed the shit out of me more than anything. Then you proceed to leave my squad disrespectfully. Reminds me of dicks who talk shit and leave servers, nah I dont like that crap, to me that's worse than cheating. Yeah i did say you got something to say, say the whole shit to my face don't feed me little bones and then leave my squad. As for the ban staying, pfft, i leave it for the people here to decide. I despise disrespectful dicks.

IF you going to give your side of the story give an accurate summary. You left out the part how disrespectful that shit sounded as if I owe you something. And you also left the part where i was nicely explaining what this squad was doing. No there was no gunfire, you just left my squad like a dick as I was trying to talk to you, cut me off.
I wasn't trying to be disrespectful nor trying to have a bad tone, but when you're getting the shit shelled out of you on the ground, and you see your squad leader flying around above you, you probabaly won't sound like you're too happy. I also didn't think you owed me anything, I just wanted to know if that's what that squad was going to be doing, and so I left after finding my answer in the affirmative.
Also, there was gunfire where I was at, but that's not the point.
I'm done, i'll leave for the guys here to decide. And the only reason i'm allowing others to weigh in on this one is because there could of been a miscommunication but I know it was damn disrespectful in my point of view.
I really wasn't trying to be disrespectful, and I am being honest, but I can't exactly prove that,, but I can say that I'm sorry if you thought I was trying to be a smart ass to an admin. I enjoy playing on your servers and realize that slots aren't free and that you guys work hard to keep them up and running for everyone to use. I never meant any disrespect, only to join a squad to better help my team.
fast is one easy going guy when hes gaming. its hard to get him upset this much.

you do what fasty says and youll be ok on the server. give him some time to cool off. we'll let you know in this thread.
I'll lift the ban tomorrow so everyone can cooldown :).
as far as i read you were in a convo with one of our friends... you didn't like being interrupted "that way" and pursued it when it was a dead issue from the beginning... i would like to see the guy's ban lifted and just make a note of this guy... if i could ban all the kids on here that get loud - oh trust me i would. instead i kick them from the squad or request that they be kicked... if something persists - kick from server... i don't engage morons. We're better than that... i know you are fast... nice sig soulzz
If you don't like what your squad leader is doing just leave the squad and join another or start your own. There is no need to get snarky with your squad leader for doing whatever he wants, especially if he's an admin on the server.
Not sure what tone you said it with, but a comment like that is offensive by default. I mean, if he's flying in the gunship obviously he wants to be flying in the gunship (duh). If you want a squad leader that doesn't fly in a gunship, join another squad or start your own and do whatever you want.

I think the comment implies that "you're an ass and you can't do anything else except fly," and especially if it interrupted a conversation it would be really annoying.

Also, it's not like it's all roses and shit in the sky either - even if you're really good you do get shot down once in a while. Usually fast does much more than the average pilot/gunner to help out people on the ground so IDK WTF was up with the comment that "I'm getting shelled etc." It's not like fast was poking his ass or something - he was probably doing what he can.

Anyway, I concur with soulzz that it should be lifted after some time... just don't be annoying especially over VOIP...

If it were me I'd just kick you from the squad and lock it or smth, or just a kick from the server depending on what was said... I'm still not exactly clear on the situation though... oh well.
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