Banned from DC Titan and 24/7 Suez?


Registered User
May 3, 2009
Hi guys,

I'm not quite sure why, but I got banned from both of your servers. I play on them almost daily, and I didn't do anything out of the ordinary but play like I always do. I come on tonight, and boom, I'm banned. Just wondering what was up. Thanks!

I'm sorry I was mistaken, I am just banned from 24/7 Suez. I would still like to clear this up if I can. If I did anything to offend I apologize. I know it's not my playing...I suck LOL

But I never intentionally try to ruin the game or anything like that. Thanks again guys!
hmm i dont see you on the list, you sure its suez canal? Maybe another server?
Yep. I just tried it again, TBG 24/7 Suez Canal. You were banned because of excessive teamkilling or because of an admin decision.

This is the only name I use, so I'm a little perplexed.
well i finally found it, its an old ban, which is why i couldn't initially find it.
You were banned on the 11th of April for abusive language and the admin was CTFalcon, wait for his response please.
couldn't actually find the actually phrases/words that you type, not in the logs so we will give you the benefit of the doubt.
Watch your language in our servers specially to admins, they are fair and nice people. We will keep an eye out on you to make sure.
Oh I'm sure I did get mouthy over something stupid. I have a little bit of a temper when I get into competition. In any case Falcon I apologize, even though it was a long time ago it's never too late for an apology.

Thanks Fast I appreciate it. You guys have a really professional and level-headed clan. Make sure you keep it that way, a good clan is hard to find these days.

Thanks again TBG!
No problem ;). Hope you enjoy yourself ;).