Banned on BF3 Server, accident or not.

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Registered User
Jan 30, 2013
Earlier today (around 3:30pm MWT) I was playing on one of your servers. I had the idea that I would pretend to be good at the game at all and went for an agressive recon loadout. As I had entered the building for the third time after dieing over and over,for not checking another corner again, I had hit a target in their upper torso as it was the only thing visable at that time. I had stated it was a center mass shot and it was bs (not thinking it could of hit his shoulder) and claimed a shot that close range would have been deadly disinigrating ones organs. Now between these two rantings somebody had posted "this is a game where you die horribly and come back to life."

After my last post I was banned for racial slurs (can include a screen shot) by the admin at that time. I feel I was out of line complaining to the internet like that, but I also feel that the admin was abusing their power at the time as no warning was given at all, and I did not say any racial slurs.

as I had not said any I feel the powers were abused as such, that is why I'm here.
Either do the proper procedure or don't your call. Use the link he gave you.

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