Battlefield 4 HUD Map


Registered User
Mar 21, 2014
Hey guys,

I am blind in my left eye(400 left/ 40 right) and cannot really see the "HUD Map" in the left-hand corner when playing.

Question: Can the "HUD Map" be moved to right-hand side, where the "Ammo Counter" is positioned?

hope you find a remedy. iam colorblind(red/green) and 95% of the time, ican not distinguish enemies from squadmates on minimap and mortars.
hope you find a remedy. iam colorblind(red/green) and 95% of the time, ican not distinguish enemies from squadmates on minimap and mortars.

A good friend of mine si red/green colorblind, too. Said he always had problems trying to decern who is the team and who is the enemy.

Ironically, he works at a paint store, color matching samples brought in by customers. He has an eye for tones and hues due to this condition and is about 94% accurate.
Thank you for the input guys. I have been able to move everything to the bottom center and the only downside is the "who killed who" that was in the upper-right hand corner is now right-centered. I can live with it though.