Battlefield 4's next big update cleans up HUD, tweaks soldier movement. And there's more to come.

There's more on visual recoil, improvements to the revive mechanic and netcode improvements ("Making ping differences, trade kills and kills behind cover less of an issue by lowering the time allowed to damage on the client side"

do let me get this straight. So it sounds like they are kind of adding/improving an "out of combat"(esque) kinda thing? to help reduce behind cover kills? How do you lower the time allowed a munition can do damage? Maybe I have read it wrong...I dont know.
From what I've read, it's kind of like an algorithm they can tweak so your experience in game should change accordingly.
From what I've read, it's kind of like an algorithm they can tweak so your experience in game should change accordingly.
ahhh..based of players pings etc..etc...seems like a lot of variables to try and fine tune. Nonetheless, I wish them luck in this endeavor.
BATTLEFIELD 4: The official beta for Battlefront and Hardline.

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Almost makes me wish I hadn't uninstalled B4 CTE and BF4 last week.

BF3 soldier movement feel is being brought back? I don't remember much of a difference... was it a faster type of movement compared to BF4 or...? I vividly remember bad company 2 and that awesome weird sluggish feel movement it had, that was awesome, but BF3's doesn't stand out to me really.
You mean the gadget glitch they created with the last update?

I keep hearing about this 'gadget glitch', but what was it? Not saying I want to do it, but I kinda want to see it in action so I know what to be on a lookout for it.
Swapping kits in the loadout screen fast, causing you to have gadgets from two different kits. i.e. SRAW&Ammo, SUAV&UCAV
I hope this patch release will not be another one of those 'un-updates'!