Battlefield Hardline Dev Explains How They Won’t Repeat The Same Mistakes As Battlefield 4


Assistant to the Regional Leadership Manager
Jan 13, 2013
Via Gaming Bolt

Ever since Battlefield 4, the once popular series has lost a bit of credibility. Players and critics alike have lost trust in Electronic Arts and DICE and there is no doubt that consumer trust has been hit. Although, Battlefield Hardline is not developed by DICE, Visceral Games are under pressure to deliver with the game....

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Yeah, I'm an idiot. Fixed.
I see no reason to spend my money on Hardline, unless it goes super cheap late and I got bored as shit. There are so many things coming out this fall. The beta was amusing to me, but that's not enough for me. The tazer was funny as hell though.
I'll pick it up when it goes on sale for 15 bucks...maybe...unless battlefront is already out by which case...never mind.