BC2 Vehicle kills


Registered User
Oct 23, 2008
Am I the only one that feels like they kill you wayyyy to easy? I mean I run beside one 3ft away and it kills me, I run 6ft behind one and it kills me. I repair one that is turning and it teamkills me. What is the deal.
The deal is that Dice wants you to die in the most retarded n00b ways, and has coded their game accordingly.
Ohhh so thats why its like that!
I never saw it coming.
Actually its been like that in the entire Battlefield series. How many times have you exited out of a buggy or another vehicle and got run over by it. The classics to me are your running towards a gunship or air transport or buggy and then, wham, dead. I guess I ran into the vehicle too hard and killed myself?
Actually its been like that in the entire Battlefield series. How many times have you exited out of a buggy or another vehicle and got run over by it. The classics to me are your running towards a gunship or air transport or buggy and then, wham, dead. I guess I ran into the vehicle too hard and killed myself?

Bob, that would be today when I was playing 2142 with you guys! Got out of the transport before it went all the way to silo 4 and got TK'd. Stupid as hell.
Actually its been like that in the entire Battlefield series. How many times have you exited out of a buggy or another vehicle and got run over by it. The classics to me are your running towards a gunship or air transport or buggy and then, wham, dead. I guess I ran into the vehicle too hard and killed myself?

Gotta watch those nose injuries - they're deadly.
It is due to the last patch. They made the hitbox bigger, so much bigger that a sniper can actually just shoot above a rock and it will hit your head shoot to the side even if your in cover and it hits you also. Before the patch you would die like 2 feet behind running around a corner. Now since the patch with the larger hitbox you die 10 feet around a corner from someone shooting at the corner. So now when you stand where it WAS safe on the side of a vehicle to repair and it moves it kills you. I have no idea why they fucked with the hitbox probably to let little bitches who can only shoot gustavs actually hit something with a rifle, also to help make sure all the aimbotters can really tear peoples ass up easier.
They fucked with a lot of things. :|.
all i know i try to c4 tanks and get ran over on the side of them now
Also try to repair a friendly tank if you dont stand 3 feet off to the side they still run you over, so they can say whatever they want i know the "box" of the player is causing a collision counting you as getting run over whereas before you could push right against the vehicle and repair it from the SIDE and live. Thats the test to use in r16 to see if any shit is fixed, that has nothing to do with a M1 and a guy moving around. Plus they did not even show a guy sitting STILL behind a rock and shooting him with nothing visible, I will test that out too. As it is right now I have been gravy sniping!