Because scopes are for pussies.


Mar 6, 2011
In TDM I prefer to work on my sniper rifles using iron sites. Normally this is the same idea as using a red dot or something to help for super close combat. But hell who needs a scope? Until you start having to put some Kentucky wind-age on it anyways, barrel isn't see thru!


I believe by this frame in the video the body already dropped. I started recording after getting all these point blank to the head, headshots. Think it might make for a funny video one day.
yea tbh if u get good at using iron sights on snipers - you'll be unstoppable close to mid range - at least on 1v1 situations.
yea tbh if u get good at using iron sights on snipers - you'll be unstoppable close to mid range - at least on 1v1 situations.

Yeah well I suck in general. I have my good days and last night wasnt bad. I had like 3 positive KDR rounds using sniper rifles. Then I joined a 2000 ticket TDM which is retarted and combined with 20 idiots camping the crane and bridge, I got my ass kicked. I dont think the following rounds were any good after that.

Straight pull bolt and a little luck (people not seeing you) can be a deadly combo. I don't have it on my SV98 yet though. I have been cycling through them every 10 kills or so.