Been Awhile


Registered User
Mar 21, 2014
Hey online friends,

Sorry I haven't been around in ages. Life got tough the past few months and so being on the internet, didn't have a real priority. I finished my fall semester and am a week away from starting my spring semester. I finally secured an internship starting next week and without it, I could not get my degree in the spring. Thank god I finally found one, here in Maine, IT Internships are difficult to obtain. So with my intenrship this spring and three more classes I will have that pesky degree.

I haven't gamed in months and will try to get on a little bit, even if it's just to get on your nerves in teamspeak! LOL. I hope all my friends had a great Christmas and Hanukkah. Stay safe and I will try to get online this week.

Miss you guys,

Glad to hear from you. Glad things are coming together. What kind of IT internship?
Thanks guys. The intenrship is with Goodwill of NNE. Server side related mostly, video, audio, and going to locations in New England. They are non profit with stores, group homes, neurological therapy(most in New England). Gonna be exciting for sure.