
Registered User
Sep 25, 2014
So i played the early trail Version tonight and its Awesome. Many of the things i didn't like in the Beta, are fixed. The Maps are Awesome Fun and the Multiplayer fights are just a lot fun. The little of the Single Player that was released is just great and i cant wait to see more of the story. I really hope they make the right decision with servers, but even when not i gonna buy and play it. I played one Desert Map that's really small and fast play with a hell lot of fun. Then i also played two City Based Maps, and both are just Amazing the City fights and how the City changes trough Bombs and Grenades. Then the house to house fights. I also like that the voices change on what site your playing, i can't speak for Turkish but i know the germans are original what they would sound like and translation is on point.
Same here bought it and get access on Monday too. I like the look of the close quarter urban map from the videos out there.
They were vague because they want people to buy the game. Great graphics and visual fidelity don't mean anything if the servers are flooded with hackers.
Google BF1 hacks to see what is waiting for the fair players !
We don't know yet how the hacker situation will be, or what the solution will be for that. The thing I know is that the Single Player Campaign looks and played Amazing. And the Idea they playing out is intense. Time just flew by. Than Multiplayer it's not just looking good it played Awesome and has a feel of war. Besides the map we know from Beta I got to play I think 4 other maps. They all played different, and they where all funand thought true. First I played a map in a country village setting. The size is amazing, and the fights intens. The next one was a fast pas small map, and it was hard- fast and dirty fighting for flags. Then came the big city map, beautiful doesn't catch it. The fights are intense like in locker you stand near each other and fight for every inch. Difference there are enough ways to flank the enemy. And if not than just bomb the shit out of walls and make your own way. The last map I played was on a island setting, medium fast sized map. Lol we took all flags besides A and the fight for A was hard and allot fun. So Problems I had in Beta that I didn't see playing now. Snipers not a big thing, or better more balanced. Medic no need to scream for one, you see if ones near and than can decide if you want to wait for revive or press a button to spawn when times up. Also the medics are now really reviving and throwing medipacks. All in all fun so I can't wait for more fights. I understand the server situation is frustrating and not knowing what's gonna happen with hackers and so on I get it. But give it a fair chance and I guess you can have allot fun, in a intense game.
So i played the early trail Version tonight and its Awesome. Many of the things i didn't like in the Beta, are fixed. The Maps are Awesome Fun and the Multiplayer fights are just a lot fun. The little of the Single Player that was released is just great and i cant wait to see more of the story. I really hope they make the right decision with servers, but even when not i gonna buy and play it. I played one Desert Map that's really small and fast play with a hell lot of fun. Then i also played two City Based Maps, and both are just Amazing the City fights and how the City changes trough Bombs and Grenades. Then the house to house fights. I also like that the voices change on what site your playing, i can't speak for Turkish but i know the germans are original what they would sound like and translation is on point.
Ive done the same thing and Im having a blast with it!
We get it, you don't like the game. Move on already. Next cue the guy who says he returned his preorder, cue the guy who pushes some lame ass indie game. Every fucking thread on BF1.

I've returned my pre-order
I think we should play Masturbating Simulator 2017 (Circle Jerk mode with built in VOIP and Video is a BLAST !)
only $4.99 on steam.


Frequently asked questions
Q: what kind of Battlefield 1 hacks do you offer?
A: We offer auto reload, auto fire, ESP (=wallhack), no recoil, aimbot and ofcourse god mode!

Q: Can I use all features at once?
A: You most definitely can! However we do recommend to keep it around 3 or 4 features because it drastically lowers the ban rate, which is already almost zero percent, but we want you to stay as safe as possible!

Q: How do we execute/inject the hack?
A: For every console/operating system it differs, (LEL) when downloading the Battlefield 1 cheats you will receive a manual on how to do it for your system of choice. For console players a flash drive or data cable is needed.
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I am with you @TheSCButcher and @0perator7 and I am glad to know from both of you that it is that good! But at the same time it's not because you don't have early access that the game won't be as good once official release is done and ounce we know what we can do with servers. I bought BF4 way later than most of you and I was not less happy because of that...
Snipers not a big thing, or better more balanced

depends on map size and terrain, urban maps will have those tunnel visioned, belly babies in a bind looking for ranged target on a CQC map. Trench warfare is going to be the shit when it comes out @Avery78

I will be playing this game whence I get my new machine built. Whether TBG can host servers or not. Hackers.........well, I just hope they have the staffing to dedicate enforcing 3rd party enhancements. Every game has hackers, but as long as BF1 isn't as bad as NFS:world(@RainMotorsports that's the name of it right?), we will be in good shape.

I think the issue with the hackers are going to be the players that are smart, or "trying" to be smart. Because we wont have the ability to handle it ourselves(based off of TBGs hardcore dirtfinders/number crunchers) least we should open up some lines of communication with BF1s hack-detection staff or subordinates they delegate responsibility to.
@Snakebabies like i said i played different Maps. Bigger, Smaller, City Fights and so on and the Snipers wasn't to Bad. At least nothing like we seen in the Beta. Yes they will come but normally you have enough playroom to get behind them and help them building there camp site. ;-)
That is my only beef with this. No information on how to deal with problem players. If there is no admin control to remove players then it's going to lose a lot of people quickly. Granted I'm just going off of what I've read here.

From the very short time I got to play the beta, it looked fun.
HOLY crap there are a lot of hackers..... And the guns SUCK!! I wish I could bring my DAO and wreck these fuckers..

But the MORTAR is FANTASTIC!!!!!! Its ALWAYS dead on!!!! and it refills FAST when u put ammo bag, the only prob is ur a sitting duck for snipers.

I would have never bought the game, but my GF bought it for me. I suck REALLY bad. Its not as fun as BF4 at all. But its different.

Anyways, I just hope for a racist free bf1 server, its full of assholes now.

Yesterday I was pretending to be an EA tester telling people they will be banned. That behavior would get me banned everywhere else LOLLL
So first of all for the people that never played with me on Locker, i am a decent player. I have good and bad days, but more luck than anything else. I mostly play locker because i don't like the other maps as much as locker. So this is just my opinion of my 10hours in BF1, and most of that time was in Multiplayer on different Maps and Servers.

I like it when people say the guns suck, that's mostly the opinion if you are used to modern weapons and that's what you are good with and want. The Guns in BF1 don't suck, I never felt like there is anything overpowered or not working the way intended. Yes if you hope for BF4 Weapons the Guns in BF1 suck, because there is no go-to weapon. There is no overpowered man killer and nothing you can change so the overpowered weapon has accuracy like a surgeon in a open heart operation.

The hitmaker is on point if you don't get a hit then you didn't get a hit. Or you Enemy decided in that second to move a little in a other direction. I was so often saved by just moving off to the left or right a inch as soon as I seen the Enemy, or taking cover in the last second. The Weapons are always a little of Accuracy because what do you expect from a WW1 Weapon if you stay with a Weapon for some time you learn the flaws and gonna compensate for them. But isn't that what you would do in real life if there is no tool to fix the Problem on your Gun/ Rifle of choice. Now to the Hacker Situation, in all the time played i had 2 Hackers and really its easier than in BF4 to spot them because you see it 100% on the kill death ratio, even me that never gets it in BF4 could tell who's Hacking.

Yes its not ideal as long there's not a solution for them, but worst case just change servers for now till we know what the plans are from EA/DICE. Then the Chat really that thing is so small and in the left-hand corner, if I'm not dead or just waiting for something I'm not even paying attention to it. So why i really enjoy BF1 over BF4 ill try my best to explain what makes me have fun. The first thing i mentioned above, because there is no overpowered weapon its really fun and that cover really makes sense is just awesome. Then the Weapons and hit marker is just fun to see when you hit someone in the leg, emptying your magazine and he kills you vs hitting someone in the chest or head and kill him.

You can't even imagination how satisfying it is when you throw some gas grenades at a sitting tank, and see the hit marker going off on the guys in site. I killed many enemies or made them leave the tank, just by using gas granades. That's the other thing in BF4 incendiary grenades was my go to, and so i used them in the bf1 Beta and yes its ok damaging a tank and the passengers inside with a little fire. The real fun i found in the 10hour trail when I couldn't buy the incendiary at first so I used the gas grenades. What should i say just look at my tank command and you see i am in love with those grenades. It is not just fun against tanks its so nice killing or hurting enemies with gas, and there are 3 things that make it fun. First of all 50% of the players don't get their mask on and die or get injured, then sometimes its just a silent killer that you realize too late.

If you have fire yes you will move but a little smoke in a heavy fight is nothing you thing about till you die. Also there is nothing more satisfying than throwing one of those Babys then getting killed and see the guy walking in too it and getting killed, revenge is so sweet. What else in BF1, let me think about it. Oh yes like i said im playing mostly locker in BF4 because that's the map that just gives me the most fun, you have cover can sneak around enemies and so on. That's basically the feeling i have in BF1 the how time, i have covers can sneak around hide out for a second to let enemies or tanks pass by. The thing that i really enjoy is that BF1 always feels like war, its dirty, bloody and intense. There is not often a really quiet situation, you have to be totally out of side from battles to have that second of peaceful feeling. Normally you take cover hear bombs going off and bullets just all around you, it feels and sounds like war. Even when you get killed and get to the Deploy Screen you have that feeling of sadness and war, because the Music that's playing in the background. I don't want to tell everyone to go play this game, because that's nothing I get paid for. If you like modern weapons than this game isn't for you.

If you are more in Chat than in game this game isn't for you. If you can't handle weapons that are not completely on point than this game is definitely not for you, because you need to adjust. And this is the last point if you can't adjust from being the Bad Ass in BF4 with all the nice gadgets and high power Elephant Killer Riffles this game is definitely a game you want to stay away from. Yes I know and it was said so often her, as long we don't have Admin tools and can't control Chat and Hackers this Game is gonna suck. And yes I somewhat agree if you want to host a server and pay for it that's what you should get, complete control over chat, hackers, trolls and reserved spots for everyone.

Doesn't make sense to rent a Stadium for a Party if you can't play with friends because others get their spot first, or if you can't control the security Guard and tell them to throw out Grandpa Jones that talks about how much he loves to hang some N...... Also no fun if you can't kick, ban the Guy thats pissing in the Bowl and stilling your good Whisky and Beer. I understand all that but still its a Game we can have fun with as a Group, we never got any Problems in the Beta to group up and kick some Ass. And Ea/Dice will see there Franchise getting destroyed things will change, its nothing im saying like maybe its a fact even that nobody wants to see it. The thing her is guys that Battlefield is there main source of income, its what makes DICE.

So yes they got some bad Apples what never did anything to them because they were having the main Franchise title running(Battlefield), but BF1 is the continuing factor in their franchise. So to speak of there Baby that should keep the Company running wail they fucking up other things. That means there is no way that they gonna hide and just hope for the next big hit, no they gonna kick this baby till it walks and if that means to open up servers to other providers or to give the Admin rights to the people that rent the server thats what they gonna do. Even if it will take them some time, and some of their people will get fired or the big Xmas bonus want get paid off, they will do everything necessary to get there Baby growing up. See it like this BF4 was unplayable because of Bugs when it came out, it tool a long time to balance shit out so it was fun, now you have a game with no really big flaws but a server renting mess. So yes will take them some time but they realize after their bosses make some fire under there asses what needs to be done.

I am also guessing that this is why there is no information yet, because they got theire asses handed over from the community. And now they trying to figure out if they go on with their original plan or if they maybe have to make a u-turn and at least give Admin rights out to the Community. I think that giving some of the big YouTubers the heads up about the server rental and possible taking away bad admins because there will be no Admin commands, was the cheap way to find out what the Community is gonna think of this. A survey would been more expensice, so a smart Guy at Ea came on the Idea to hand it to YouTube and see what happens. After he got the shit storm he probaly went to his Bosses and told them Housten we have a Problem, now theres Panic mode and everyone is traing to figure out how to tell the Community the bad news or if the ship should change course.
i think the game is awesome and really really fun to play ultimate edition buyer here
I had fun in the alpha and beta. Enjoyed vehicle's and infantry. I like it just hope we can have servers and enjoy it as a clan.

Joel and I had a blast in the planes. He was good as a pilot and it is fun in the secondary seat shooting.
You guys want me to drop the draw dropping mind blowing bomb?

This title a console game turned PC............and NOT the other way around.