bf3 already playing

asia is unlocked and some servers ran by

But there are fake servers out there. So play with caution.
COcksukers just had to one up the guys who Physically bought a CD.
EA = Assholes, .

Just a heads up, Under section 5 it says: "Entitlements may only be held in Accounts belonging to legal residents of countries where access to and use of Content and Entitlements is permitted. Entitlements may be purchased or acquired only from EA or an authorized retailer. EA reserves the right to refuse your request(s) to acquire Entitlements, and EA reserves the right to limit or block any request to acquire Entitlements for any reason."

So be careful,
I got the same Orgins email stating it was moved to the 24th, then I got a second saying the same thing about that physical warefare pack.

I got the same but it still won’t get past the release date check and when I go to redeem the Warfare pack it also says it is not released yet. Guess we will have to wait until tomorrow. :(
yeah just follow what the guidelines are to be on the safe side. Stay up till 3 am to play it or wait tomorrow after work or something. Thats what i am doing.
O your already playing are you! I don't wanna brag or anything but...... 4 maybe 5 more days ill be right there with ya!
I got the same but it still won’t get past the release date check and when I go to redeem the Warfare pack it also says it is not released yet. Guess we will have to wait until tomorrow. :(

Where do you go to redeem the Warfare Pack? You guys will have to forgive me but I am still dealing with a mess of medical issues from the botched operation on my back not to mention a malpractice lawsuit so I haven't been keeping up with the clan or any gaming related stuff.
Click the Origin Settings on the top right. Can't miss it: Redeem Product Key I think.