[BF3] Can we please add all playable DLC to the TBG server?


Registered User
Nov 20, 2022
Good afternoon,

I have seen the TBG server have some DLC added sometimes in its rotation, then I see it disappear and only the vanilla maps are put into rotation. When I look at Battlelog, and see the other server that are populated in Europe or elsewhere, I see they have nearly all DLC enabled for play.

Is there something we could do about adding the playable DLC to our server? Only the vanilla maps in rotation is really lacking.

B2K for sure, and ideally all DLC would be implemented.

What do y'all think? Is this too much of an ask, is this related to funding the server (I will happily throw money down), or something else?

I see right now the Banana Republic server in Germany is full with 64 players, and has EG, B2K, and AM enabled. Just giving an example of where we could be at here in the US. If they can do it we at TBG can do it better.

TBG is the only server I really see with anyone in it, and the same few maps are played over and over again. Thank you and I look forward to your response fellow BF3 fans and administrators.

We do add it regularly on the weekend but as you can see this weekend not as much traffic. Dlc is going to make that even worse. I turned it on now but you will see it will have even less players on there

It’s not always about what we prefer seeing it’s about what works and what doesn’t
I'm not sure I'm totally correct .
But running in a map about 40 mins and killed only 2x players .
I will not play that map again .
BF3 is a FPS game , FPS game are suppose to focus on contact and shot .

About TBG metro , maybe we can add a plugin , mention players joining .
When players is 1/4 ~ 3/4 , ppl in the map might willing to wait more .
We do add it regularly on the weekend but as you can see this weekend not as much traffic. Dlc is going to make that even worse. I turned it on now but you will see it will have even less players on there

It’s not always about what we prefer seeing it’s about what works and what doesn’t

I understand and I see what I'm saying works on other servers however they are not in my timezone, and I lag. EU servers have many DLC, maps and mode variety available.

There are plenty of NA players that would benefit from enabling DLC. Even just Back to Karkand DLC which came with the base game. I don't know how this changed.

These servers used to compete to have all DLC, maps and modes because that's what players wanted because they paid for it, and wanted the complete game. I don't believe that's changed, variety is the spice of life. The server probably just needs time to populate.

At this point it's been nearly ten years, it's OK to have all DLC all maps all modes. With voting. We need close quarters maps again, and end game, aftermath etc all of it. Bring it all in, and let's make BF3 incredible again.

PS: I also want to thank you for enabling DLC, and having the server available and populated regularly. BF3 is the greatest game ever. It will probably catch on if left on. I will gladly pay for a server that keeps all DLC on. Also I noticed the server is still vanilla, is it only Saturday and Sunday or Friday as well? Thanks, happy new year.
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Hello, I have enabled DLC for BF3. It will run during the long weekend.

I have left dlc on for the first two days of the week as another test.

Unfortunately it failed, badly. It does not catch on when left on and therefore moving forward it will only be on weekends. I did give it a try.

