Jun 7, 2021 #1 S scoach Registered User Joined Jun 6, 2021 Messages 3 Age 34 Curious if anyone would be down for playing some bf3 close quarters maps for a few hours tonight? Haven’t seen anyone playing the maps or game types.
Curious if anyone would be down for playing some bf3 close quarters maps for a few hours tonight? Haven’t seen anyone playing the maps or game types.
Jun 7, 2021 #2 M Matt-aka-FAST TBG Founder Leadership Donator Joined Jan 2, 2008 Messages 26,227 Age 38 We had a server for that mode but it didnt pick up too well. It is a fun mode for sure.
Jun 7, 2021 Thread starter #3 S scoach Registered User Joined Jun 6, 2021 Messages 3 Age 34 I have a group of 5 that would be down to play. Working on getting more friends back onto bf3. Hopefully we can get something going
I have a group of 5 that would be down to play. Working on getting more friends back onto bf3. Hopefully we can get something going