BF3 + MW3


Registered User
Mar 23, 2011
I'm going to mention a few things between the two games. I haven't even played MW3 but, a lot of my friends who bought the game, say they love it. I'm gonna give a few examples. hopefully, you guys will understand cause this is kinda pissing me off.

Needs to fix their game already. I understand it's only 3 weeks old.
*Green, yellow, orange and red flashes still occur.
*you lose your points when freeze ups or crashing happens
*The game crashes or freezes up after a few rounds.
*EA is still working with patches every week or bi-weekly.
*Still tons load of glitches in the game
* Jets need to be able to hit more than 300 alt. whats the point of having jets if it can't fly that high?
* great game.

NO crashes, No freeze up, NO patches (maybe)
shitty game
I don't even have the game when im hearing better reviews for it.

THIS IS WHACK! I might as well move on to MW3. C'mon EA! FIX THIS SHIT! MW3 just came out. bf3 has been out more then 3 weeks and they still have problems. this is kinda sad and frustrating. Other then that, I love BF3.
Extinguishers only work on jet once, but on the helo multiple times. Need to fix the jets. Plus everything else you said.

One thing you have to remember is that BF3 is a much more complex game and game engine than MF3, the more complex, the more bugs and glitches.
MF3 is a game for people who know nothing about playing a real game and just like eye candy.
If you want to move on dark do it lol. Dont cry when you cant blow a hole in a wall or fly a chopper through a tunnel hehe. Its easy to have a solid game when you base it off an existing codebase. All they had to really do is make new maps some guns and code in changes to the perks. The real work was the voice acting story lines and motion capture in the single player.
If you want to move on dark do it lol. Dont cry when you cant blow a hole in a wall or fly a chopper through a tunnel hehe. Its easy to have a solid game when you base it off an existing codebase. All they had to really do is make new maps some guns and code in changes to the perks. The real work was the voice acting story lines and motion capture in the single player.

I'm not going to move onto MW3. Not a fan of COD. I'm not crying dude. LOL! I'm just frustrated with some of the things in game that need to be fixed. *shrug*
Well we can all agree that's it blatant that EA barely tested the game and just rolled it out. Hence the obvious glitches and crashes. Even though I'm not playing it yet, I would rather they said sorry guys we're going to be delayed a few weeks because we need to thoroughly test it. Then send out a bug ridden game. Even worse for them than a delay I think
Well we can all agree that's it blatant that EA barely tested the game and just rolled it out. Hence the obvious glitches and crashes. Even though I'm not playing it yet, I would rather they said sorry guys we're going to be delayed a few weeks because we need to thoroughly test it. Then send out a bug ridden game. Even worse for them than a delay I think

I wouldn't have minded more time to afford a GTX 580 or whatever. But im glad to be playing the game.
I don't think it's a lack of testing so much as a lack of fixing. Crashes and so on haven't improved much, or have got worse, since the beta. It's obvious that they've been tweaking and balancing and generally buggering about, rather than ordering a shitload of random PC components and stresstesting the latest builds.

$100 million was spent on marketing this game. Imagine how many hardware/software/driver combinations a couple of geeks could check out given 1% of that budget, and a month of more-or-less final code to play with.
I don't think it's a lack of testing so much as a lack of fixing. Crashes and so on haven't improved much, or have got worse, since the beta. It's obvious that they've been tweaking and balancing and generally buggering about, rather than ordering a shitload of random PC components and stresstesting the latest builds.

Ordering? Shit they dont actually have to buy a single graphics card. AMD and Nvidia both have labs setup for exactly this and would also ship samples to just about any AAA studio on demand i bet. I mean they have no problem giving review samples to no name websites lol.

But I do wonder what single GPU did they develop this game on that does things fine that dont work right on any other gpu from the same series or any driver out or release since.... I understand the complications but damn. My GTX 570 runs it nice on ultra at the lower resolutions I have monitors for. But like people with 560 Ti's commonly seeing some very bad issues. People with 580's afraid to turn their AA on, things like that.
No matter how many glitches or bugs the game has out, will always be better than COD.
Trix are for kids.
also remember they dont have stand alone servers. They have local host in matchmaking. Which is probably easier to maintain
also remember they dont have stand alone servers. They have local host in matchmaking. Which is probably easier to maintain

They were supposed to be offering unranked dedicated for MW3?

But yeah local hosting makes it much easier to modify :p Played a couple times they had some weird shit going on like slo mo and no not a lag switch. Whats funny is when the final kill shows a kill cam with proof a guy has hacked himself an rpg machine gun...
we have 1 mw3 dedi it seems like...

everytime i look its empty =/