BF4 Phantom Initiate passcode & assignment

Thank you much , sadly road kills are the toughest for me
Sweet they find finally found the password. Whats the significance of the number?
Hey sylca the best way I found for getting roadkills is using the UCAV.
I'll make a video and show you how terrible i am with ucav and suav. Scout is really all i fly now, attack chopper in bf3 was awesome. Idk im gonna use a tank maybe ill last long enough to run someone over. The other day on Firestorm i roadkill some poor sap with transport heli lol.
How it was worked out. Roadkills agggh got 5 so far
Explosives airburst C4 Clays etc ok / LMG going fast got 80 kills to go

BF4 passcode level3

1. Grab the symbols from the map (the hexagrams, not the trigrams)
2. From jjju's barcode int, people mapped those to unicode values: 0x4dc0, 0x4dc0, 0x4dc1, 0x4dc2, 0x4dc4, 0x4dc7, 0x4dcc, 0x4dd4
3. People also mapped those to the fibonacci sequence (with the value those symbols have in chinese mythology or something): 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21. This gives us an order. Now it turns out you need to take them from largest to smallest, and I got this idea from the battle log console that references the 'max' function.
4. jjju's formula was pretty explicit showing we were looking for a polynomial, it was missing mostly which value to use as factor and where to start end.
5. Today's graph picture shows a function that 1) tends to -inf when evaluated at -inf and tends to inf when evaluated at inf. This tells us that the highest x power is odd. 2) It doesn't cross the origin. And when you look at the graph and evaluates what's the function value is at the origin, you get a value between 19000 and 20000. This is exactly the range of value of the unicode char. This also tells us that the polynomial has a x^0 term. We have 8 unicode values that map from x^0 to x^7
6. From a chat in game from another dev, we had 'X marks the spot' and 'the greek X', which people assumed was related to the console saying CHI = 7.25154120937236. So this gives us the point to evaluate at. The console also mentions the 'floor' function which tells us to ignore the decimal part of the result.

In the end :

f = 19924 * x^0 + 19916 * x^1 + 19911 * x^2 + 19908 * x^3 + 19906 * x^4 + 19905 * x^5 + 19904 * x^6 + 19904 * x^7

f(7.25154120937236) = 24344241893.00018

=> passcode = 24344241893
Sylca I use a joystick for the UCAV, I cant use mouse+keyboard for it. I cant steer the dam thing other wise. Joystick really makes a difference.
How it was worked out. Roadkills agggh got 5 so far
Explosives airburst C4 Clays etc ok / LMG going fast got 80 kills to go

BF4 passcode level3

1. Grab the symbols from the map (the hexagrams, not the trigrams)
2. From jjju's barcode int, people mapped those to unicode values: 0x4dc0, 0x4dc0, 0x4dc1, 0x4dc2, 0x4dc4, 0x4dc7, 0x4dcc, 0x4dd4
3. People also mapped those to the fibonacci sequence (with the value those symbols have in chinese mythology or something): 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21. This gives us an order. Now it turns out you need to take them from largest to smallest, and I got this idea from the battle log console that references the 'max' function.
4. jjju's formula was pretty explicit showing we were looking for a polynomial, it was missing mostly which value to use as factor and where to start end.
5. Today's graph picture shows a function that 1) tends to -inf when evaluated at -inf and tends to inf when evaluated at inf. This tells us that the highest x power is odd. 2) It doesn't cross the origin. And when you look at the graph and evaluates what's the function value is at the origin, you get a value between 19000 and 20000. This is exactly the range of value of the unicode char. This also tells us that the polynomial has a x^0 term. We have 8 unicode values that map from x^0 to x^7
6. From a chat in game from another dev, we had 'X marks the spot' and 'the greek X', which people assumed was related to the console saying CHI = 7.25154120937236. So this gives us the point to evaluate at. The console also mentions the 'floor' function which tells us to ignore the decimal part of the result.

In the end :

f = 19924 * x^0 + 19916 * x^1 + 19911 * x^2 + 19908 * x^3 + 19906 * x^4 + 19905 * x^5 + 19904 * x^6 + 19904 * x^7

f(7.25154120937236) = 24344241893.00018

=> passcode = 24344241893
Sylca I use a joystick for the UCAV, I cant use mouse+keyboard for it. I cant steer the dam thing other wise. Joystick really makes a difference.
Yeah i'll have to invest in a good one. I figure flying is once in a while if i'm in the mood, but i do prefer a good firefight on ground over air.
I use a cheap logitech one, that works great for UCAV and Jets. I use the Logitech Attack 3 stick, cheap one I bought 5 years ago. I hadnt used it in forever and decided to give it a try.
Congratulations on the accomplishment Avery. But be careful when you clean those new camos that you unlocked. Some washing powder is known to make the colors bleed.
Imperial British Washing Powder is made to the highest standards!

I think the longest part was the 2nd phantom assignment with 200 tank kills took a while