
Registered User
Apr 27, 2008
OK, I DLed the latest drivers off Nvidia site and when I enable SLI support, my game starts to flicker with greenish color. Any idea guys whats going on, work around? Any feedback appreciated.


Rolled back drivers to earlier date, still same shit, tried beta drivers, still nada. Help! Got 9800GTXs x2 btw.
Chuck was saying that you can download drivers from the EVGA website to get SLI to work. Not sure if it's specifically for EVGA GPU's or if it works with other GPU's.
They have the same drivers that are out on Nvidia site, if I am not mistaking
Thanks Soulzz, I tried that patch and still the same shit, sigh...:-(
That sucks :(. Bump your post in the EA UK forums. :).
I have the latest drivers and the SLI patch and the latest version of precision (EVGA console) running and both cards are running fine.
Yeah, I tried that and I already post this in EA forums, apparently I am not the only one with this problem


There is a huge deal about this shit with crossfire with ATI cards also....damn
get ATI cards. I've my ATI cards crossfired together and running at max graphics with no problems and loving the game with no issues with my cards.
Then you are one of the few lucky ones, there is like 50 pages on EA forum about x-fire shit being fucked up
thanks for making this post guys, i have another 9800gtx on the way...and now i know what to look forward to
thanks for making this post guys, i have another 9800gtx on the way...and now i know what to look forward to

I'm really tempted to buy a 5850 for ~$250 after cashback on ebay right now and sell my GTX260... but I guess I'll wait for Fermi. Unless I spot a REALLY cheap one on ebay :-D