big brother in our games.

Some dipshit pussy with a huge wallet gets scared, next thing you know he is trying to control all the things that scare him. Story of history, kill or control. What is fucking next, are they shove a leash up my ass because I am for guns rights, my baby brother is half Arab, or I like people to make up their own minds and not follow the pied piper?
Some dipshit pussy with a huge wallet gets scared, next thing you know he is trying to control all the things that scare him. Story of history, kill or control. What is fucking next, are they shove a leash up my ass because I am for guns rights, my baby brother is half Arab, or I like people to make up their own minds and not follow the pied piper?

there are enough dim shits in this world to influence it.
As someone posted on reddit a while ago, I believe the terrorists have already won.

Education spending and budget adjustments vs. spending for defense, and now I'm being taxed to pay people to sit in water-cooled supercomputing facilities to play WOW. Nevermind the "war on drugs" thing and all the horrible incentives it has created, but that's another story altogether.