Bobby Kotick wanted to play Battlefield 3 at E3. EA said No.


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Thats pretty LOLish

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick wanted to play Battlefield 3 at E3 2011 yesterday. Only one problem: he had to get past EA.

A senior informant has told CVG of how they witnessed Kotick's PA discuss Bobby's chances of a hands-on trial of the military FPS with EA reps on the door of the publisher's non-public presentation.

Our deepthroat tells us that the female assistant hopped to the front of the EA queue on Wednesday morning (08/06/11). The DICE-developed military title is only being shown behind closed doors in Los Angeles - and not on console.

Her request was reportedly stewed over for a minute in private, until an EA rep re-emerged on the public show floor. He then explained that senior management had been consulted about the Activision chief's request, but that "it would not be possible".

Kotick's company is showing off BF3 competitor Modern Warfare 3 at E3 - a presentation which is also invite-only.

We're told by our witness that Kotick's PA put up a small conversational fight before walking away. She did not look in a good mood. Our observer asked an EA rep on the door for clarification of what he thought he'd seen immediately afterwards, and the events were corroborated.

Seriously, though. Beyond amazing.

EA's Battlefield 3 will be released on 360, PS3 and PC on October 25 across the globe.

Activision's Modern Warfare 3 will hit the same formats on November 8 worldwide.