Broadband speeds fall as ISPs told not to lie

Guess its a good thing Im always getting what was advertised to me here. Never more and never much less. If the speedtest is too synthetic for you i peg 22 Mbps transferring large files from my web server in chicago.



of course Renno is next up to show his slight advantage in downloading porn :p UK providers have had plenty of reasons to lie and sadly were supposed to be the slow country. I also have to love Verizon claiming the fact they are the fastest home providor in the US when im pretty sure 2 states have 1 Gbps home providers. Not yet widespread but Verizon, don't lie lol.
My old internet provider was TWC. Before they bought the area it use to be Cox(Cocks) Cable. I heard they were shitty anyways. I thought MAYBE they changed. They only changed the labels. I use to have "up to" 10 mbps and it was only 8 mbps.
My old internet provider was TWC. Before they bought the area it use to be Cox(Cocks) Cable. I heard they were shitty anyways. I thought MAYBE they changed. They only changed the labels. I use to have "up to" 10 mbps and it was only 8 mbps.

TWC blows in upstate NY. I had Cox out in Rhode Island and, tbh, I loved them. They gave me a really wi widest pipe and it only cost $40!! TWC wants the same to give me less than half of that! Cox gave me a lot more bang for my buck. Cox made me a happy man. :respect-055:
I had Cox out in Rhode Island and, tbh, I loved them. They gave me a really widest pipe and it only cost $40!! Cox gave me a lot more bang for my buck. Cox made me a happy man. :respect-055:

Soulzz says that every night.... ;)