[ST:O] Broke 20K DPS and then solo'd one side of ISE


Mar 6, 2011
Hurry up Kubla all our friends from No Win are in the 20K DPS channel!



I went to go run the Avenger through to see what might happen and we had some confusion on doing it normal or a 3/2 split so I went 4/1 and did one side by myself. Blew the transformer in time to keep the optional.
Thone graphs and numbers make me moist.


What game is this? STO?

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Thone graphs and numbers make me moist.
What game is this? STO?
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Over 9000 is the way to go I mean we can't all suck :p Yes STO

Which reminds me... Kubla next winter event we need to parse my snow blower and see how much dps it does :p
One realm. But to answer your question we play on Holodeck. There are also Tribble and RedShirt which are test servers.

Me and Kubla are mostly in a different team speak since we roll with this other crew so basically you need to catch up with us there or let us know to come into TBGs ts.

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arite rain. sounds good. prolly going to fuck around and start tomorrow at some point
Do you have to pay a monthly subscription fee? I could just look this up but I'm not gonna.
It is free to play, but you can get a subscription if you want. The price varies from 14.99 a month to 199.99/299.99 for a lifetime subscription(until they stop supporting the game or the universe ends). I recommend trying it out for free first before you think about subscribing.
You couldn't pay the subscription if you wanted to. Try looking for it now that they moved the website. I have the link BTW but unless you have it bookmarked its impossible to even buy a lifetime right now.

The trick a lot of us do is sub for one month to get the benifits. For 14.99 you get 20 bucks worth of account bank slots shared between all characters. Plus 5 bucks worth of zen. You also get extra bank slots on all characters made and leveled during your month as well as other shit. You level up 1 or 2 toons and cancel the sub keeping pretty much everything.

You can play this game without spending a dime. You can get some of the best ships in the game for free during certain events or some of the best money ships for free as well from the fleet stores if you can manage to grind out the in game money. Fleet ship modules normally 5 bucks go for 7 million ec on the exchange. You need 4 or 5 of them to get a good ship if you don't own the pay version. But I grind out 10 to 20 million a day so no biggie.

We can teach you to farm that kind of cash while not actually playing however it will likely mean fronting you the materials needed to get started. If you want over 10 million ec at a time thats the only occasion you might have to spend money. Its 500 zen or 5 bucks. You can actually farm that out probably take a week with only 1 char. 2 days with a setup like mine.

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If it is free to play what is the point of the subscription?

Subscribers get respec (skills reroll) tokens every 10 levels which are worth 5 bucks a piece. That's the other. Now there are benifits that you get for x number of days that had you been a sub for the last 3 years make sense at this point no longer do. It existed before free to play so no point it axing it. Really the one month trick I described above is beautiful.

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dont hate, but im prolly going to roll a federation captain

If you want to do the most damage roll a romulan. You get 3 free character slots though so always a chance to do more. Romulans also have an easier starting if you ask me. Its fresher than the others. If you go rommie remember to federation align at level 10.

Otherwise go fed. If you play KDF you will likely be very lonely with us though I can get you an invite to a T5 fleet.

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