Busy busy


Registered User
Sep 10, 2009
I've have been trying to get much needed yard work and painting and the like around the house. I will continue to be busy so my gaming will be off and on. I don't think I have donated yet bc the web site has been up and down but I am good for $20 as soon as I get the chance.

P.S. You're all gay but not I. Cheers!

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dukes yard work

bump. Still working on the house a lot and running up to Missouri every other weekend or so working cattle, mending fences, bush-hogging, spraying thistle and spending time with my female friend. Looks like the summer is going to be busy.

Also, me and this $400 million women have gotten engaged but we are a long way from tying the knot. They got more money then they could ever spend. I'll attach a few pictures of their house. :)
Not a good picture of the house. Anyway, that's just a few things. They have Apartment complexes, Amy (my friend) and her brother sold 19 of their Dollar General stores and her part was $7.5 million. They have their own resort on Lake Norfolk with multiple cabins, seadoo's, party barge, ski boats, etc, etc, etc... Her mom and dad's cabin at the lake is 100 times nicer than my house. I've dated her off and on for 7 years but ................ who knows.

Trip to Amy060612 052aa.jpg