Can we do something about the UCAV abuse on the BF4 Rush server???

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Registered User
May 29, 2019
For months now the bf4 rush server has been plagued by players sitting in the back of the map using the UCAV. I have counted up to 10 people using them in one game, its absolutely absurd. They do nothing for their team and continuously ruin the game for players trying to play the game as it was intended. It is extremely frustrating trying to push up on a map and being killed by UCAVS every minute. I propose a limit of 2 UCAVS per team, it still allows some of the hardcore UCAV players to keep being useless, and allows the rest of the players on the server to actually have an enjoyable experience. Anyone who thinks the UCAVS are not a problem, either do not play the server, or are part of their clan. The fact that this is still an issue is embarrassing for your clan and sets my expectations of you very low. I would gladly donate and support your clan if this issue is resolved. I have tried contacting you through email and received nothing in return, I hope this forum post can help make the server a more enjoyable place.
A head admin will be along to reply to you, but here's the skinny. TBG does not limit weapons or dictate how people should play the game that they paid for. People bitch about snipers, airbursts, aeks, mortars, etc. We aren't a carebear server, there are plenty of ways to counter any weapon in the game.

That being said, here's a link to a hotline that might take away your stress and help you get back to enjoying the game. Thanks for your comments.

What an unintelligent way to respond to my post. So far what i have received from this clan is that you all are just middle aged snowflakes. Im assuming you dont actually play the server, because the only thing that gets complained about is the UCAV, when 20% of the player count in a match is sitting in the spawn with a UCAV there is an issue. The whole "there is a counter to it stop bitching" argument is outdated and stupid. If the way to counter the UCAV requires me to stop playing the objective and run halfway across the map to shoot them with a sniper, and you think that's okay game-play, then i hope you don't work for a game developer.
We are snowflakes? Aren't you on our website all triggered because you are mad about how someone else plays the game? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.

Since our founding we have never limited kit loadouts on our servers and another person crying about it isn't going to change that.
Yes you are snowflakes, and I wouldn't have to come to your website and make a forum post if you man children would reply to issues in-game, or god forbid a fucking email. I am not the only person complaining about this issue, open your fucking eyes. Your clan is unprofessional and it's a miracle it has made it this far.
I think you need to go back and listen to UCAV hotlines again, you still seem pretty upset.

The thing you don't seem to understand is we really don't care if people are complaining about it. Should we ban frag rounds, snipers, FLIR, and Laws because people are complaining about it?

Go back to your safe place as this isn't going to get you anywhere.
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