The title of the movie (I already knew when filming was) "Love to hear 'em scream" so I concentrated on TRYING to TV a lot of soldiers (yes even when the rail run would have been a better choice). Normally, in game, I TV more air transports, gunships, tanks, apc than I TV individual soldiers....but then, I DO love to hear 'em scream! LOL
I keep the TV on about 90% of the time. TV is one-shot instant death. So many times the engineer gets off a shot before he's dead by the rail gun. If my TV misses, I pull out the rail gun 'cause that's quicker than waiting for the TV to reload.
I don't know what's normal. Maybe it's better that you ask a pilot that I gun for (like Bob, lektronk, or Willdabeast240) and they can tell you my style compared to other gunners.
Sorry to say, there is no TBG pilot to ask about me. They're always too busy and I can't get a ride. Maybe, NAZGUL. I've gunned for him a time or two. Most of the video was filmed off TBG....where ever I could get a ride
....and remember:
Never buy a car from a photograph and you can't judge skill by a Battlefield video ;-)