
Registered User
Jan 27, 2008
after having a few nice flights with Codeco, who is cool, Franc decided its ok to camp enemy titans. i looked the other way for a few rounds because i couldnt see a blatant case. towards the end of our 4th round i see him hovering over my titan. i kill him to make sure he was the pilot. i kick him for camping. he rejoins and asks why he was kicked for doing "what I do too". at this point i give him a 24 hour ban. he admitted to knowing what he was doing case after case, besides just being a prick. i dont feel like taking the time to go into CC and lifting it because he will do something stupid again in the future. so if anyone else thinks this turd is worth logging in to CC to unban, go ahead. im not wasting any more time on him after this post.

PS, he called TBG fags for having to "double team" him just to get kills. and every CGI member still on the server but Codeco said we have to kick our competition just to get kills.
you tell him they are no competition to FAST clearly blasted them fools yesterday and whenever they are on the servers yes even on this PC...if they follow rules...we shouldnt have a problem they can bitch and talk shit as much as they want..but follow rules = being good dog.
they play on our servers a lot but think its ok to trash talk us or disrespect us? im not cool with that.

but fast is right, follow rules = being good dog.

no one makes them play on our servers, if they dont like it, they can leave.
I'd say put the ban to 3-4 days.
They really suck to be Honest, and Franc Likes to run away when you shoot at him. Just slam him with a TV and a 3 day
I played with Franc the other night... he didn't say anything and he wasn't anything special as far as piloting goes, actually he was kinda bad in a lot of situations.

Do they speak English at all? I thought they were a French (Canadian) clan for some reason...
he types english i know. but as far as him not saying anything means he knows hes guilty.
Hey me and Killa played on their server today and scorpion asked if we could un ban codeco, franc and himself from our servers, I have no problem with Codeco, or scorpion. I dont think codeco was even banned, but I dont give a shit if you un ban franc or not hes an ass and I wont loose sleep over it.
i only banned frac and it stays. i played against him on ORB and he was still doing the camping bullshit.

none of the other guys should have a problem tho
i made sure Franc was still on the Suez ban, happy thanksgiving.