Chatbox non-www problem mitigated.


Mar 6, 2011
The chatbox uses ajax (asynchronous javascript) to work. if you view the site at instead of the request is still made to which is treated as a request across 2 different domains. As a feature of security this is not allowed. Funny enough I just learned how to deal with this fucking shit with the TS Viewer I am working on.

I am trying to find the line of code that actually makes the call, if I can I might be able to fix this using a relative path. If not the only other way is to beg our providor to add a header to support cross domain requests. If they won't just add to the list of reasons I intend to move the site off their hosting.

Edit - I put in a support request to see if they will go ahead and add in the header needed for cross origin support. Doubt they will, at least initially. It's decent security policy not to and its actually limitable to one domain which is better.
Forget about managing this via .htaccess on Apache servers. Silly me. Added the needed headers. The other plugin affected by this problem (vb notify) is fixed. A bit of an issue with the chat box still as its throwing an error about a value being null. I will keep at it.
Fuck that shit lol.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Problem solved. Redirecting not www to www in nfo's domain settings was not jiving with vbSEO. But that right there will do the trick and just prevent this from happening at all.