Cheater on your server (with proof)


Registered User
Sep 7, 2011
Hey guys,

This cheater has been hopping around servers completely clearing them out with his blatant cheating. His name is "DJRedNight"

DJRedNight | Cheat-O-Meter by MAJORmk @ Team des =FRA=

You get similar results when you use the cheater checker built into your main website page.

Instant headshots from across the map with machine guns. Getting 5 headshots while parachuting at the beginning of a map before he even touches the ground is a dead give away.

His account on a cheat forum:

( I see that but lets not advertise cheat website :D )

Anyways, if you get rid of him that would be great. :)

All the very best,

which BC2 server? I checked all three and can't find him. Might of already been banned.

I have played with this player before and was suspicious. If i remember correctly it was on vietnam.
Sixer got him on Rush last month and Razorback got him on Nam yesterday.
haha i thought he meant right now.

Knew i seen that name somewhere yeah he was BS when i played against him.
which BC2 server? I checked all three and can't find him. Might of already been banned.

I have played with this player before and was suspicious. If i remember correctly it was on vietnam.

He was on your CONQUEST HARD 24/7 server. This was a few days ago, though. I just finally got a chance to reporting it.

If I were you guys I would just manually add him to the list and be done with it. He's a complete retard. :)

Thanks for the quick reply!


Wow, nevermind. A bunch of you guys just replied. Well, I guess that's that! :)