Chechnya about to explode [IMG HEAVY!]


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011

That my friends, that is several battalions of RU QRFs taking control of Grozny after the Chechen leader declared that Russian laws do not apply in Chechnya
Sad to say but they have a bigger stick, so the outcome could be easily predicted
Putin just ordered snap elections in Chechnya (the russian constitution or any morals dont apply to him)
It's really not all that sudden. Putin has always had little man syndrome. Putin sank tens of billions of dollars into Sochi for the Olympics hoping to get some global prestige for mother Russia, instead if was kind of one PR disaster after another from shooting the dogs, to security concerns, to Russia's open declaration about not tolerating gays, to not doing very well in the medal count. Also in fairness, Russia and Chechnya have a long history of what some might call unfriendly relations with thousands dead.
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It should be interesting to watch. The Russians and the US do pretty similar things, except we put out claims that we are conducting anti-terror operations before moving into an area that has oil.
It should be interesting to watch. The Russians and the US do pretty similar things, except we put out claims that we are conducting anti-terror operations before moving into an area that has oil.
Russia doesn't care much for oil conquests abroad, they have their own. They do however are historically obsessed with being dominant in Europe.
Thousands of people on the streets in Moscow, Police presence is insane.
Pics from the calmer areas before the unrest:

CNN stopping broadcasting from Moscow tomorrow due to new anti-foreign journalism laws
Thousands of people on the streets in Moscow, Police presence is insane.
Pics from the calmer areas before the unrest:

I dont see what your seeing. It looks like an average day in nyc without the people.

It should be interesting to watch. The Russians and the US do pretty similar things, except we put out claims that we are conducting anti-terror operations before moving into an area that has oil.
I'll be home from work in 2 hours, if you want to discuss this. It's time to put the "war for oil" narrative to bed once and for all.
Russia wants control..and doesn't like it when it's citizens stand up. Oil has schite to do with it. Anti Terror...I dont even want to get started on that!