Close Quarters


Registered User
Feb 12, 2012
Played this morning.

Plays INSANE fast for the Gun Game and the new Conquest Mode. If Metro had a mode like this, wow. Camping is difficult at best, with about 3 ways in and out of every position that I found. Scrapmetal is just awesome. One thing is for sure, my KDR is gonna hit the terlet as this style of play fits you twitchers more...btw Shotguns are VERY effective now. Tons and tons of 5m engagements.
Gun master was fun, if chaotic. Good luck getting a LVG kill while everyone's shooting at you. I died 4 times before I lucked out on a kill, ended up first with a knife kill while somebody was shooting me point blank with an assault rifle. Fun stuff though.
I don't know about which maps TBG should use, but I will say this... AWESOME expansion! ^_^
Gun master is the bomb!!! But all in all I can go both way.
I am Death Match kind of guy. I wont be a normal player for Gun Master but I think the competitive nature will attract a lot of players and if our guys like it then all the more reason. ConDom as Rails wants to call it seems like it could annoy some kinds of people.

I oppose nothing on this one, make your decision and as usual I will play on our server if it suits my play style.
CQ domination is the most played apparently so it seems like majority likes this.