{CLR} KyleRiley


Registered User
Dec 5, 2009

KyleRiley likes to play BF2142 in your server. He has a previously banned GUID from BF2 for using an aimbot. Since the saying is usually true, once a hacker always a hacker, I though I would share the info with you guys.

Here is the info:

His first banned account:


This was his previously banned account. It was banned on:

May 01, 2008 at 12:00 am

Why is this important? Well he was banned at IP 76.176.*.216 on May 1, 08. Since he was banned, he could no longer use that CD key so he had to buy another.

For his current account, here is the info:

GUID: f98b29e5
First Seen: May 07, 2008 at 12:21 am
User IP: 76.176.*.216

Keep in mind IP's are dynamic and can and do change. This is precisely why Pbbans lists an alias and IP history. If you check his current account you will find this:

MasterChief7210............192.195.*.119.....Dec 04, 2009 at 3:27 am
{CLR} MasterChief7210....76.176.*.216......May 09, 2008 at 10:45 pm

Under his 2nd Account (GUID f98b29e5), he was last seen hacking in IMA's infantry only server on Dec 04, 2009 at 3:58 am using IP: 192.195.*.119.

Here is a screen shot from Kyle's handiwork:

Here is his BF2142 info:

Kyle claims the hacker is not him.

Here is his BF 2142 info:
GUID 9818d0f1
First Seen............................................La st Seen
Date Dec 04, 2009 at 9:18 pm................Dec 04, 2009 at 10:46 pm
Server...-|TBG|- (|TBG|- (
IP 192.195.*.119 [United States]......192.195.*.119 [United States]
Alias {CLR} KyleRiley..............................{CLR} KyleRiley

You can plainly see that this is the same hacker. Notice the IP address is the same.

The IP matches and so does the clan tag. Please feel free to have an SGA admin verify my findings.

Thank you.
Woah, now that's an excellent "Player to watch out for" post. Thanks man, it's much appreciated. We'll take care of this.