Come Get Some...feces!


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Duke Nukem review and yes, they say you can go in the bathroom, grab some shit out of the toilet and throw it...lulz!

First Aussie review of Duke Nukem Forever (sort of) | Online Video Games Reviews & News |
An example of crude humour includes playable elements which enable Duke to "piss" and "throw" faeces.
In various bathroom locations throughout the game, the player can have Duke "piss" in urinals and on occasion, in these same venues can also pick up faecal matter from a toilet bowl and throw it about.
Dialogue contains various crude reference to "pissing" and when throwing faecal matter Duke is heard to utter "what sick motherf---er picks up wet faeces" and "what am I? A monkey?"
The Board also notes the player ability, in a final climactic scene when Duke kills the alien general, to implicitly urinate into the defeated creature's eye socket.

I love that shit..operation cock block, throwing feces, pissing in the dead alien's eye sockets...that just screams Duke Nukem. Oh, and let's not forget the glory hole in the bathroom too lol. I can't wait to play this just for the amusement factor. True, it's base humor but that fits me just fine.
That has nothing to do with Duke Nukem. Kindly keep your sexual exploits between you and your man bitch, Soulzz. Thank you.

oh well i know I saw the word feces somewhere, i love that word can't help it! :)
Nice, the pissing isnt anything new but the feces and the boss pissing is. I hope that screen shot is from 10 years ago though.
Same here. I'm laughing my ass off watching the previews. It'll be good to punch an alien in the nuts! It's too bad that's not an option in out of ammo and punch a player in the nuts to stagger him giving you time to pull the knife or something.
Ah, now here's what I'm talking about! I laughed my ass off watching this...enjoy.

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