Completely Unreasonable


Registered User
May 17, 2012
8 | 24/7 ARMORED KILL CQ 1000+ TICK | 64P | NO LAG

I'm not going to name and shame but one of the TBG admins is completely unreasonable. I've seen him do it over and over again. Claims he is getting rammed in jets constantly even though he does nothing to avoid it. I did not "ram" him myself but my buddy did a head on with him. Claims I "disrespected" him but I never called him any names. If it were not for the history of his behavior I have witnessed over the past 2 weeks I would not complain, but I did decide to speak finally today with only the most respect in mind- but I was only told to "stfu" because it is only his interest that matters. Apparently I was "not obeying" the rules even though that is all I do.

I know nothing will be done, but just keep it in mind. He is a hothead.

Check chat log September 30 circa 10:45 am eastern standard time to see.
i kicked you . yes your buddy rammed me twice. i warned him to stop or get kicked. Still i had not even kicked him as a warning works most times. then you chim in with your 2 cents . " chat logs " since you didn't want to stfu and play the game and let me deal with the player that rammed , i removed you from the server via @kick . Next time keep your comments to yourself.
Getting rammed by a long solid object is very sensitive, and can be dealt with in a few ways; we have banned for it before. Lets just move on.
And we were all thinking it was Renno ;p

Ramming = greed or a nub pilot. Really shouldn't happen at all. If your buddy is pulling up at the last sec. then hes ramming. Maybe he should just leave the flying to the pros.

Fub a hothead. LOL. Never even heard him get mad.
its not about the ram Tom. he is just upset he got kicked because his clan mate was "warned" about ramming and he got kicked , NOT his clan mate.

Ya Sid the hot head had me LMFAO! Good shit.
I did read the chat logs Londonian, and it looks like you should not have gotten involved in game chat. If you have a problem with a specific admin please bring it to the attention of someone higher than that admin. For example a HA or Founder in our community. As far as the players administering abilities they are above reproach. I will personally vouch for him in any scenario. He has done more than you can imagine in administering our servers and all of what that entails.

On to the ramming and it's rampant use in game latley. You know I'm a jet whore and can speak from experience. Ramming is always a problem in servers with aircraft. They do it all the time and it is annoying to say the least. Purposely ramming or Jihading aircraft is becoming a problem recently. Hell I see the C4 from across the map like everyone else. It's a waste of an asset and usually ends with a suicide, rinse and repeat scenario until that person kills the target. Aircraft to aircraft ramming is also a problem. When it comes to jets ramming helo's it's usually because the jet pilot is too greedy and would rather plunge straight on into the helo rather than take another pass to finish the kill. Which to be honest is just stupid if you think about it. Once you disable the helo he has to land to repair making him a very easy target. I've heard people in jets say the helo rammed them. Huh? Why is the jet even that close to the helo in the first place. Only logical explanation, and I stress Logical, is that the jet pilot got too greedy and attempted to make the kill early rather than line up for another pass.

Jet to jet I try very hard never to get into head on dog fighting if at all possible, because I know the other player will not move or evade regardless. Just doesn't happen in BF3. Every single time I have gone head to head with another jet pilot they refuse to turn in any direction they just continue straight on or even purposely turn into your path and then give the old gamer "lol" when they crash into you. Even though you made the turn to evade and did everything you could to get away from their path.