Constant Crashes


Registered User
Nov 12, 2012
So as many of you know, I usually have to restart my game after playing one or two rounds. This is due to a memory problem with NS2, but I seem to have found a workaround. I noticed this today, after idling in the server for 10+ hours that as long as I keep the game running long enough in the ready room, I can play as much as I want with no problems...
Yeah, it's only a problem with NS2, because of their horrible optimization.
No idea. However, I did get one of those error submit popups, that I could just ignore, alt tab and go back into the game and keep playing. Only problem with that is I lose the map...
NS2 sets my physx to the CPU, therefore it might have murdered yours
I don't have crashes but Ns2 looks like it has a memory leak...
Have you ever set Ns2's priority to High or Realtime in the Task Manager? maybe reduce the graphics/shaders/anastropic filters, ect. to lighten the load.
I'll try changing the priority. All my graphics are set to low or off for best performance, and I changed my settings to use the graphics card, not CPU. Been having problems with NS2 since day one, when the game would kick me as soon as I loaded into the RR. Had to email about 30 or 40 crash logs into UWE before they "fixed" the problem. At least I can play now, so better than nothing I guess...
Already did Cotton. Also this topic was prompted after half the server had a discussion on how much they crash all the time.
Finally got a response from the devs about my "Client and Server differ" error.

I think I understand what is happening now. It looks like your machine is probably running out of addressable memory after you've been playing for a while. This is preventing the game from being able to load some files. This is a problem that can happen on 32-bit Windows which we are hoping to resolve with the next patch by reducing the overall memory footprint. In addition, I'll add some better error messages so that if the problem does persist, we will have more information.
Lulz. Yeah, I've been talking to brian about some weird shader missing messages too. Submitted like 3 logs over the last 3 days.
Heh, only 3 logs? I have saved at least 30 logs when I bother to save it.
That's what you get for running 32 bit windows. Geez Chicken.
Also, even if you set your Physx to use GPU it doesn't mean it does it in game, the game can still override that. In your Physx settings you can have it overlay in game what its using, CPU or GPU.

My new Intel i5 3570k loves this game. :P