Counter Strike: G.O. will no longer support cross platform multiplayer


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Apparently the main reason : "wants to be able to update the PC version more frequently than the other systems, which makes cross-platform multiplayer impossible."

The new CS scheduled to be released in the summer.

Attached are new screenshots from NEW map de_lake

Source from TGN site.

thumb_2012-02-22_00060.jpgthumb_2012-02-22_00060 (1).jpgde_lake0145.jpgde_lake0164.jpg
Counter Strike: G.O. will not support cross platform anymore.
They are killing off cross platform versions or just cross platform multi player? I ask because that details pretty important.
No pS3 and xbox will have their own thing. PC will now be separate from PS3.
There we go :p The original title seemed misleading. Not that we would care but someone somewhere would be pissed off if it was the other case. Yeah pushing through console updates is painful.
Another big reason is probably that pc players would absolutely wreck the ps3/xbox players. That's normally the case but I think in a game like CS it's especially true
Another big reason is probably that pc players would absolutely wreck the ps3/xbox players. That's normally the case but I think in a game like CS it's especially true

As always they can allow Keyboard and mouse support on the PS3 with no problem the support is there. Not so sure about in game api support on the 360. Adding the support might frustrate enough players into buying extra keyboards and mice and shaping the future of console packaging :p
just makes it nice and simple and nothing that the company can't handle. Gotta respect that rather than taking on a monster task and fluffing it big time. COD has updates all the time so I doubt that is a real problem. But consoles suck arse anyway.. Its refreshing to see a company focus on PC. Maybe they can increase the graphics even further?? As for the PC version they won't have to limit it right??
It's better when they want to make more updates for pc because I don't give a fuck to ps3/xbox at moment