Feb 17, 2015 #1 BlitZ003 Registered User Joined Apr 25, 2014 Messages 1,518 Age 40 and his super ucav LOL https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152461709149429
Feb 17, 2015 #3 Snakebabies Registered User Joined Sep 2, 2012 Messages 6,963 Age 40 wholly fuck. that was some lucky drafts. I hope that guy went to the casinos or bought some lotto tickets.
wholly fuck. that was some lucky drafts. I hope that guy went to the casinos or bought some lotto tickets.
Feb 17, 2015 #5 JoeLeb Admin Admin Joined May 6, 2013 Messages 2,708 Funny, but that was more of a SUAV than a UCAV. The guy kept on playing and still managed to kill Konrak with one shot.
Funny, but that was more of a SUAV than a UCAV. The guy kept on playing and still managed to kill Konrak with one shot.