CS:S - HAPPYFEET - May 8, 2014


Registered User
Feb 16, 2014
GAME: Counter-Strike: Source


DATE/TIME: ~6:45pm PST // May 8, 2014


OFFENSE: Hacking

The demo pretty much speaks for itself. This player was clearly aim botting, and possibly walling as well. Aim bot for sure though. I included the scoreboard screenshot just to confirm; I'm pretty good at CS:S, and even I have a hard time keeping a kdr above 2.5. The fact that the player was hardly even moving around also suggests something is amiss; no good CS:S player crouch-walks everywhere.

I don't see it listed as required in the above items, but the players Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:17294806

EDIT: I'm an admin elsewhere, and I just checked our sourcebans database--this player has already been banned from our servers.
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Alreaady banned this guy twice looks like he has more steam IDs I have to ban.

Thanks for the report

In the future type in voteban, it bans them for 4 hours. I can change it to permenantly after.
After watching some of his vids I bet half the people in the top 20 on TBG D2 are hacking.
Alreaady banned this guy twice looks like he has more steam IDs I have to ban.

Thanks for the report

In the future type in voteban, it bans them for 4 hours. I can change it to permenantly after.
Sure thing! Usually not enough people are willing to voteban :/
After watching some of his vids I bet half the people in the top 20 on TBG D2 are hacking.

FALSE. go check the stats, in order to come even close to top 20 you need to have over 25k points and spent countless hours in the server, the more time the hackers spend in our sever the more chanches there are for me or fast to ban them.. i think our server runs very smoothly and it isnt very frequently a hacker visits our server with out being auto banned in about 10 seconds.
i think our server runs very smoothly and it isn't very frequently a hacker visits our server with out being auto banned in about 10 seconds.

I played every once in awhile a few months ago. There are always hackers in there. I could go in there anytime and record hackers and those are the obvious ones. The Top 20 statement was a blatant exaggeration made more to prove a point. That dudes hacks were good enough where if you only turned on one or two parts of it you would probably never get caught. This isn't my first rodeo playing CS, watching hackers or playing games that get no support. I've never seen anyone auto banned in TBG CS server that I had watched or knew was hacking. Most the time if I go spec at least 2 or 3 people leave the server so they don't get recorded. These are regs.
I played every once in awhile a few months ago. There are always hackers in there. I could go in there anytime and record hackers and those are the obvious ones. The Top 20 statement was a blatant exaggeration made more to prove a point. That dudes hacks were good enough where if you only turned on one or two parts of it you would probably never get caught. This isn't my first rodeo playing CS, watching hackers or playing games that get no support. I've never seen anyone auto banned in TBG CS server that I had watched or knew was hacking. Most the time if I go spec at least 2 or 3 people leave the server so they don't get recorded. These are regs.

a few months ago maybe, now when ever i join its hacker free thanks for coming out tho.. you never see people get auto banned because asoon as they connect they are banned. if the hacking is so bad drop us some names in a pm and me and fast will investigate the player.. if we arent given names we cant ban people, and we wont ban people unless its 100% fact they are a cheater. we cant do any thing unless we see the hacker or we get some names, we have caught over 875 hackers in source games alone, i think we are doing our best here.