Current patch - you can die in one frame

Don't know if this issue still applies to the newest patch. The video itself was uploaded last January. And was about 2 to 3 major patches ago.
I have noticed what he referring to in the video, especially when playing in a small fast map like Locker.
yeap same here lockers even in cover or when i run through a hallway to the next cover and 3-5 secs later im dead
I really think ping and latency is majority of this issue. I mean, all prior FPS, lower ping the better. Now it seems the higher the better. But I dont even think ping helps you out one bit..sure 200+ lags the server, but with all double digit pings in the server at one time, you still get random fucking shit, that latency "could" account for, but it's a delayed reaction. So I am wondering where/what this middle man is between players? Servers? doubtful. Netcode? likely Battle Log/Origin?
yeap same here lockers even in cover or when i run through a hallway to the next cover and 3-5 secs later im dead

How is Alaska these days?

I was stationed at the Eielson Air Force Base. I miss the -66 temps and the Earth quakes, lol.
I have not noticed it as much as I did in the past.

I still see plenty of people shooting out the back of their head, and cover seems to still be an issue. Lets face it, counter knife is a coin toss at best!