

Registered User
Nov 27, 2012
Eating fruit cake this morning and my 2 yr old turns around and feeds our puppy a pound of the shit, just happened to notice. Had to play vet md and induce vomiting. So far so good
What the fuck are you eating fruitcake for? I thought that shit was for decoration only? People actually eat it?

No, it's also good as a door stop.
Dog is fine so far cept when he farts it smells like fermented hydrogen pexoride ( shit i used to induce vomitting).

Fruitcake is the shit along with egg nog
Best luck with your dog Brown.

Also if its homemade, fresh fruit cake it can actually taste pretty good. Not the harder then diamond, heavier then hell bricks over the holidays
hehe...only fruitcake I ever seen is the one constantly re-gifted in my circle of friends