Diablo 3 Gold Farming Guide


Registered User
Mar 15, 2011
How to farm 18,600 gold per hour in Diablo 3 Beta ? Mokhtar Guides

there are a few tips in this page which can help everyone maximize there gold farm runs. 1 of the tips I just learned - "equip your follower with a shield, two rings, and an amulet, all with gold finding. You get about 20% of your follower gold find, so if you equip him with a 18% shield, two 15% rings, and a 30% amulet (total of 63%), will get about 12% gold finding (20% of 60%)."

Also keep in mind via the chatter I heard last night on Teamspeak - Gold find and magic find is averaged out
Since every player will have their own loot in cooperative play, the Magic Find in group situations will be averaged across the group.[3]

Here's an example with a group of three people:

Player 1's MF: 100
Player 2's MF: 80
Player 3's MF: 0
Magic Find for each player: (100 + 80 + 0) / 3 = 60.

To recap: Every players personal Magic Find will be summarized and then divided by the number of players.

This prevents players in public games from stacking Magic Find and tagging along while doing minimal effort in killing monsters but getting the best chances of getting great drops. This might also discourage cooperative play since other people with low Magic Find percentage might lower your overall Magic Find.

If your farming its better to do it solo - unless you can get a group with High GF or Magic Find if your farming gear.
18,600 per hour? :p

I make 140,340 per hour. I did a couple runs while paying attention to start time, end time, and amount of gold I made. After a couple runs it averaged out at 2339 gold/min when clearing nightmare catacombs level 2 through leorics tomb(without killing him). My goldfind right now is +175%.
oh i know this was beta when level cap was 13 lol..but it kind of gives u some good tips to apply to ur gold farming technique for those who dont know.
I didn't really need much gold up until the end of NM, so I will give this a shot.

The gold is for the auction house mainly. Once you start really looking through the auction house...then gold farming becomes a necessity to fuel your auction habit.