Dice Admits BF3 is a console to PC port


Registered User
Mar 3, 2009
Battlefield 3 lead platform was on consoles after all - Battlefield 3

Throughout the marketing and promotion of Battlefield 3, developer DICE insisted that the PC was the lead platform for Battlefield 3 development, but now that the game is out, we’ve gotten the truth: according to DICE’s Karl-Magnus Troedsson in a new interview, the lead platform for Battlefield 3 was switched to consoles in “mid development”, in order to meet the release date.

“We said originally that the PC was the lead SKU of the game, but in mid-production we switched to console as lead platform to make sure we could get all the versions done for release,”

This explains many of the odd design decisions in the PC version, for example, the game menu and load-out layout is identical to consoles but looks too compressed and unintuitive on the PC — a result of it being developed for consoles and ported to the PC.

Despite what the “lead platform” was, Battlefield 3 was released on time and was well received from critics, gathering positive reviews from most publications.
i knew it. they should have kept BC console exclusive and main series PC exclusive. So many problems would have been avoided
That's not necessarily a bad thing. Btw, old news :).
That's not necessarily a bad thing. Btw, old news :).

Yeah people don't even understand the fact that porting from one platform to another doesn't have to mean anything. Whats funny is since Xbox 360's graphics API is a variant of DX9 that PC didnt get DirectX9. An excuse for this would be how time consuming and bug inducing it is to have 3 versions of an api to work with. However if they stuck DX9 as low only it wouldnt have been a very big deal since those stuck with dx9 and xp etc are on old ass hardware.

The complaint against the menu's should be that it does not scale. Its designed to fit a minimum resolution of around 720P. It just doesn't adjust bigger at higher resolutions. The PC version would have taken such a res into account as well. They do have a product partner trying to sell this with an over price peice of shit laptop (The Razer Blade for 2800 bucks which will play this game on 720P Medium when it comes out...).

Does beg the question if the chatbox ended up kinda like it was because of the console orientation but no matter the platform its pretty shitty place to have something.

Anyways point is you can start your code base on PC and then port it to Console or the other way around and either way it does not mean your games will end up any different than they would have been in the opposite direction. Just because some people cant keep a focus or like to be lazy doesnt make the starting point the fault.