DICE Why you make me a noob! 20 Mine Kill 5 AT on Air assignment video.


Mar 6, 2011
Every single time one of these assignments come out you get people reviving like mad men and throwing C4 out like total noobs. Well if there is one thing I never use its mines. In fact I wasn't sure what kit they were on when I couldn't find them lol.

Get to show off a few RPG's on heli's before its on to the noobing!

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9YtpL9mq8eo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If you dislike dub step entirely you might want to turn the volume down a bit. This track is not terrible i don't think. Same guy that did the Rock Song on my AK video.
Good shit man, would have been hilarious if the jeep thief would have rammed someone and gotten you the mine kills. Nice work
Good shit man, would have been hilarious if the jeep thief would have rammed someone and gotten you the mine kills. Nice work

Thanks Mac. Some funny moments living it that cant be experienced through video and the rest I didn't capture. Not the only guy who stole one of my jeeps. I feel bad for the poor bastard who probably took the one I left behind when Rails made me pilot for him. Several times I wrecked the vehicle and took the mines with me hoping for another car. I always died before I could get that far.

I got a few legit mine kills. One of them I spawned at a base to take the vehicle and there was a destroyer there. I ending up getting stuck on the front so i dropped mines till it finally ran me over. It was a couple minutes before he finally set one off.
hahahaha...cant you hop out of the jeep and let it ram?? Or it slows down too much? ROFL!!! i laughed hard at that last one! EPIIIIIIC!