I work in the info sec field. right now information security professionals are highly sought after. I have be in the IT industry for more than 20 years and i can tell you that all positions in IT have some sort of security component to them (whether they are followed or not). If you know of a job opening, focus on the security items that you would do daily in your IT job now and tailor your resume and interview to focus on those items. Do some research on what kind of certs you would be interested in, in the future and set some goals to achieve them. Just an FYI, not all of information security is what you see on tv and the movies. A lot of info sec involves audit, policy and identity management(a lot of boring stuff). There are a lot of pen tester, red team/blue team jobs out there. However they will typically be filled with people that have many years and multiple disciplines(coding, hardware, databases, networking, ect...) mastered.
My advice is go for the job you want, but keep in mind that if you dont have the knowledge or experience you will probably start out at an entry level position. but if you work hard and learn everything you can, along with acquiring some industry standard certs(cissp, giac, ceh, ect...), you should advance well.