Duke Nukem Balls Of Steel collector set


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel Edition‎ Announced

2K Games is offering their recently announced Duke Nukem Forever game title in a limited edition aimed at collectors called the Balls of Steel edition! The collector's edition set to retail for $99.99 and includes a hardcover art book, a sticker, poker chips, a comic book, paper craft, dice, post cards, playing cards and a bust of Duke himself. It will be available for the PC, PS3 and 360 when the game ships on May 3rd, 2011.
Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel Edition

It's bullshit, but some people like to collect shit so there you go.
I am NOT going to be THAT guy...

Quick, somebody else re-post the video!

Personally, I think they should have not a bust, but a Duke Nukem statue with big metal balls swinging between his legs. Now that I would get just for the amusement factor. Plus, it'd be a must get for balls for the obvious reasons. lol
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eckoYQqdk28" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>