Duke0904 is an abusive admin


Registered User
Dec 21, 2012
Rather than going on the BF3 forums, I thought I would post here. This incident happened several days ago and I have not had a chance to post on here since.

Duke0904, is a horribly abusive admin. He sat in the game, running his mouth about grenades for 25 minutes. He bitched, and he moaned and complained about how nades were "OP since the change"

I jokingly suggested that he "move out of them" and was then banned from the server. My three friends then stuck up for me, and were then banned after he spam killed them for "backmouthing the admin"

He is a child, and should not be allowed access to admin rights on the server. He does nothing but smear your half decent reputation.

I have made a new account to post this, as my old account which I have donated on to your servers numerous times has been locked out since this incident. I will no longer donate to your servers as long as this baffoon is running amuck in your servers.

Because of him you have lost four regulars in all of your servers. I will not be checking back on this post, and the server owners know who I am and know how to contact me.
[17:21:59] ICE_AGE0815 - US Army > DROP AMMO
[17:22:03] Duke0904 > oh yeah, the changed them long ago
[17:22:04] ICE_AGE0815 - US Army > DAMIT
[17:22:26] TheGuyverOne > you just suck at moving away from them
[17:22:32] WarpathUSA - US Army > WE CANT LOSE THESE STAIRS
[17:22:40] Duke0904 > please keep running your mouth
[17:22:56] TheGuyverOne > please keep standing still so i can nade you
[17:23:09] Duke0904 > @kill theguy last warning
[17:23:11] Duke0904 > @yes
[17:23:21] CSK-DR > we will ur girl is almost conviced to stop blowing everyone
[17:23:21] TheGuyverOne > lol @ the admin crying about nades
[17:23:31] TheGuyverOne > nice abuse of power there
[17:23:39] GorilIasInDaMist > asshole admins man.
[17:23:46] GorilIasInDaMist > they plauge this game.
[17:23:50] vS-MauricioRito - Russian Army > ow suck revive
[17:23:59] TheGuyverOne > what can you do eh?
[17:24:00] AndyUKmonkey > learn 2 metro
[17:24:01] KublaKhan81 > You're more than welcome to find another server to play on.
[17:24:03] SuperFly49 > no they plague this map
[17:24:14] elbozo_sN - US Army > WTF ARE YOU DOING TEAM
[17:24:20] GorilIasInDaMist > admins who kill people because they 'run their mouths' so retarded.
[17:24:24] TheGuyverOne > i'll just let the server owner know he's abusing his admin powers then bye bye
[17:24:37] TheGuyverOne > gonna email him now actually
[17:24:46] TheGuyverOne > have fun standing in nades

sounds like you were being belligerent with a smart remark. why?
I also checked your other names and IP, you never registered here nor donated. These are your names ChronosGuyver
Theguyverone. And if you are referring me knowing you, i don't
I really got no comment here. I just let it go after the warning but I could see he was trying to push my button. Just a little kid. :)

There was a comment he made a little before this log when he started running his mouth.
To all the "guest(complainers)" that come on these forums....

.....and want to politely sugar coat their "admin complaints"(majority I have read about hypocriticism and the rule violations being abused by admins)
Ask yourselves afore you post any softcore trash talking(which is a poor attempt at being tactful), "Did I actually take time to read the in game scrolling rules? Do I actually have the patience to wait in line? Did I ask the "Air Whores"(no offense, I am one) if they mind if i take next vehicle spawn?(99.99% of the time, if you ask, or call dibs on next spawn and actually wait..no one will care) Did I make an ass out of myself in game chat?(Complainers beware: ADMIN HAVE CHAT LOGS!!!!!)...etc etc...Before any guests come on here talking nonsense, read the rules ON THIS FORUM(you took time to register, mite as well take time to read the actual rule list afore posting). Anywho...nuff said! Guests! And would be complainers about admin-----Do YOU know how much time it takes out of YOUR game to try and square stuff away while us smurfs play, and bitch, and whine, and talk shit, and kill, and hack, and cheat???? NONE!!!!!!! ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRO!!!!!!!!!!! why? THE ADMINs DO IT FOR YOU! So cut them some slack....If you feel they made a mistake, suck it up, make a note and come to the forums and PM some of the head admin or make a sincere post on it, not condescending, or whinning. If you try to have it resolved in game, 50-50 chance the admin will have a short fuse cuz THEY ARE TRYING TO HAVE FUN JUST LIKE US!!!!!!!!!

Oh yea, one more question to ask yourself, "Did I disrupt game play(by spamming chat, or waste friendly assets, or sit in a vehicle where assets spawn); and was I disrespectful or in any way 'COULD' be interpreted as disrespectful?"

P.S. All Admin assume you have read the rules or ALREADY KNOW THEM....EOF(escalation of force)...Scrolling rules is most likely considered a verbal warning, an @kill/@kick is your warning shot, @ban(albeit temp or perma) Is your headshot. If you want to repsawn, DONT BE A DICK WHEN APPEALING!!!!!!!!!!!
All I can say is when I've been kicked or banned from somebody's server, not ours, I go to their forums, state that I was kicked or banned for X and try to get it worked out. I don't accuse, I don't whine, I don't make a nuisance of myself and guess what? Every time it has gotten resolved positively meaning I'm no longer banned or kicked from that server.

I know I read the server rules when I go to a new server and I don't spam the chatbox with taunts, bs, whatever. The thing I keep in mind, and I wish others would as well is that you are a guest in that server that somebody else pays for and runs. By all means, have fun, play the game and if there's a problem try to get it resolved on the website or in Ts with the owners of the server but don't be acrimonious while doing so. Maybe it's just me, but that has worked every single time even though I was pissed a couple of times for unwarranted bans at the time it happened. I just wish others would think a little bit about what their actions and words say about them beforehand.
"Duke0904, is a horribly abusive admin. He sat in the game, running his mouth about grenades for 25 minutes." - I made one comment. That's a little different than 25 minutes. Then I reinforced it after he replied.
I just came into enjoy the game and it's a tense map. You know how metro is with the M67 grenade and the LVG's, etc... I made the comment that they overpowered the grenades when they made the change. ( You can't stand in the Red room anymore at all while before patch you could sit by med pac and remain alive. If they tweaked it to a value between pre-patch value and the current setting it would be great I think. This is what I based my comment from. ) He then made some smart remark that is not shown. At least that is the way I took it. I could have just let it go and probably should have but sometimes the attitude gets old. It is the reason I only '@killed'. I think the last time I used my Admin privileges was when I kicked an idle player. Then it probably goes back several weeks till the next.

Then his buddy had to chime in [17:23:39] GorilIasInDaMist > asshole admins man. I guess they got banned but I did not see that part. Not sure what he is talking about his buddies getting banned. That's about all I got to say.
Bah, no need to justify your self to us mate, chat logs say it all...nuff said.
This guy's seriously berating Duke?

Wait a sec, I just peed a little in surprise.

If that dude calls it, he stands behind it. He doesn't "run his mouth".