EA Being Sued Over Broken Battlefield 3 Promise


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
The law firm of Edelson McGuire has filed a class-action lawsuit against EA on behalf of gamers who didn't get the free copy of Battlefield 1943 promised to those who bought BF3 for the PS3. The firm says that their clients are only interested in "compensatory relief," meaning that they're only suing to get the free copy of BF 1943 that EA initially promised.

EA is accused of misleading and profiting "from thousands of their customers by making a promise that they could not, and never intended, to keep."

The suit takes issue with two specific aspects of the BF3/1943 fiasco. First, not just that EA went back on the deal, but that they went back on the deal so late in the game that many had already bought and opened their copy of BF3. Second, the lawsuit takes issue with EA's poor job at announcing the news because they only announced it on Twitter.

While it may look like kind of a silly thing to do, this lawsuit will probably make EA think twice about trying to pull the rug out from under their customers in the future. Also, one free copy of Battlefield 1943 may seem trivial, but remember that EA reneged on their promise to thousands of people. All of those free games add up.

EA Being Taken to Court Over Broken Battlefield Promise
Good. i mean i dont play 1943 and i dont have a ps3 but it's telling EA that just because there a big company does not mean that they can just fuck with people like that. Im glad they are taking them to court.