EA Correspondence:

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02/02/2009 10:11 AM

I need an explanation as to why my stats and rank information will not update in Battlefield 2142. My career score and global score is accumulating but nothing else. Is there a solution to this problem. I have even go so far as to start a new character in which I am getting the same problem. I am also playing ranked servers (I made sure of it). Please direct me to any press releases by EA if at all possible. Thank you for your time!

Response (EARepchristopher)
02/02/2009 11:10 AM


Thank you for taking the time to contact us about your incident.

Unfortunately, support staff can not alter or modify stats, ranks, kits and badges for Battlefield 2142. The collection of this data is very complex, and as you can imagine with the popularity of Battlefield 2142 an immense undertaking. There is simply no way we can adjust every players score, though we would love to. We do however, review every claim and report so that we can identify any potential issues.

At times the servers which collect stats from the Officially Ranked Servers may get back logged or suffer an unexpected short outage (such as an un-scheduled maintenance). This means your progress may take several hours (possibly even a day or more) to fully update and be displayed in your BFHQ page, though recent upgrades have gotten this down to less then 1 hour. Stats for some rounds, could even be lost if they were to be collected at the end of the round if the server goes offline temporarily. Though EA/DICE has tried to reduce the possibility of these issues and create systems and redundancy for data loss, the dynamic environment of both the Internet and Massively Multiplayer games of this type can create unforeseen or even unfixable issues. As well, while playing on any unranked servers your progress will not advance, though we do not want to discourage players from visiting unranked servers as these can be a source of great enjoyment as well.

Please keep abreast of new patches and announcements at the Official Battlefield Website located here. http://battlefield.ea.com/battlefield/bf/

If you?re experiencing technical issues you can find assistance here as well: http://support.ea.com/

Please accept our apology for any troubles or errors you may experience from time to time and your help.


EA Rep Christopher
EA Online Support

02/02/2009 11:29 AM

This has been going on for exactly 7 days. I have had it where one thing might not register or it may take a couple of hours. But an entire week? I am not asking that you change my stats or add ranks. I can work for them again. I would just like to know why my game play has not been registering with the servers for a week now. I found this happened before. EA went so far as to grant 2000 points and 1 gold star to players playing during the time of the outage. I know a couple other players who would like to know why their stats aren't updating currently either. Their last update was the same day as mine... why is this happening? How long will it take to fix this?

Response (EARepchristopher)
02/03/2009 07:25 AM


Thank you for taking the time to contact us about your incident.

Because of Battlefield 2142?s popularity we are currently experiencing issues were some players stats may not be updating correctly after some matches. This can manifests itself as missing stats from particular weapons or items, to missing achievements and Points. We are working as quickly as possible with our Server and Software Engineers to identify these dynamic issues and address them as they come up. We fully expect to have these issues resolved in the near future, but there is a good chance you may experience this from time to time while we work to correct it. We want to express our apology that this is happening but assure you that all our resources are focused on fixing this issue.

Why don?t you guys plan for this type of stuff?
EA/DICE has tried to reduce the possibility of these issues and create systems and redundancy for data loss, the dynamic environment of both the Internet and Massively Multiplayer games of this type can create unforeseen or even unfixable issues. Because of the complexity and size of Battlefield 2142 it?s very difficult to project what type of problems may happen after release when hundreds of thousands of players have access to it. However, Electronic Arts will continue to use all of its resources and tools to make Battlefield 2142 the game we all want to play. We only ask that you give us some time while we work out some of the wrinkles.

Please accept our apology for any troubles or errors you may experience from time to time and your help.


EA Rep Christopher
EA Online Support


This is what they have to say about the stat problem.
So basically they don't have a clue as to when they'll get this fixed. 031 that. 2142 can kiss my hairy ass until they fix this shit.
omg my stats aren't updating either!!!

Oh i forgot haven't gamed in 2 weeks bwahaha

omg that is sooo funny! 013
I'm getting "away" points every game now...
[blockquote]Fuck EA, they can burn in hell. [/blockquote]

Don't hold back, Soulzz, tell us how you really feel. 004
Fuck EA, they can burn in hell.
Ive felt this way for years now ea has shit customer support
They were actually very prompt about responding - but they don't really offer any solutions or information.
I've been getting away points since around August.....no complaints here! Would be nice to get the other stuff updated though...
This retarded, EA, as usually bullshitted their way around the question, by trying to sound professional so as to fulfill the user's complaint. They have no Idea when they are going to be able to fix the stat updates, and weather or not it will restore players accumulated stats, which is bullshit.

and they can't tell you that cause if they were to flat out say it, EA would be Sued. So they have to mock up some pompous fancy bullshit to half ass answer a question or respond to a user submission.

I am the King of Bullshitting professionalism to angry people and to appease their pissed off attitudes. If they were to give you a strait edge answer I have a bridge to sell you in brooklyn. that's crap, and this is why people hate EA

If this was happening on WoW or a Blizzard game, then people would be rioting in the streets and burning the corpses and remains of blizzard executive headquarters, techies head's would be impaled upon makeshift pikes and the lover half of LA would have broken off the US, and become a smoldering combat zone (more than it is already) like that really gay Vince Van dam movie.

this is bullshit and You know it, I know it, EA knows it and even that russian voice actor that recorded the "Dissssrenemy!!!!!!" for the Pan Asian Coalition knows it. AND I BET HES FUCKING LAUGHING AT US !!!!!!!!!

-rant completed, shutting down.......,
Like I said, fucke-em until, or if they get this shit corrected. I think I'll try some COD4 in the meantime. I got it downloaded and just need to install it (again).
Or hell, for that matter is BF2 keeping up to date. I haven't played that in over a year now.
They were actually very prompt about responding - but they don't really offer any solutions or information.

Thats because its easy for a 10year old to cut and paste a response letter.
How true. It always seems like a cut and paste answer. Maybe its just monkeys!