No one has asked anyone for more money. They offered new expansions which cost additional money to develop. They offered a discount for buying them all at one time a discount which doesn't need to be purchased before they are all out or ever at all.
Everyone feels compelled to buy it or like they are being forced... world wont end if u don't. You just cant game with your friends as much since they decided to buy it. Relax smoke a J.
Rain, you should quote all the sentence.
and bugs, flaws, exploits and asking more money
I'm not against s/w development making money, I'm managing one for 10 years, and been a s/w dev for 15 more years.
And btw I bought the premium stuff, so I paid already for all those maps/expansions.
Those maps and expansions aren't really (or at least should not if the game is well design) cost so much.
In fact BF2 was design that way. Modding allowed new maps, new guns, vehicles, etc. And all was done by the community..... and was sucessfull.
The only addition here is that it is rank.....
The other problem that frustrate me with DICE, is that they come with new maps, talking about game balancing but don't fix bugs that are there, or fix one, create another one. Good example is the exploit in Metro where people get inside walls. They had that problem in BF2, still in BF3, and i'm pretty sure will be in BF4
Anyway that was just a way for evacuate my frustration. Thanks for listening....
BTW Don't worry, I'm relax, so relaxxxxxxxxxxxx......
And I don't have anything against software development, I'm one of those and I even work for gaming shop some time...... BUT not DICE....